dividend | n 1. (commerce) dividen: accumulated ~, dividen terkumpul; 2. (math ), (angka) yg dibahagi, dividen: the company paid a ~ of 10%, syarikat itu membayar dividen sebanyak 10%; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cum dividend | n dengan dividen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tax-exempt | adj terkecuali drpd cukai: the dividends are ~, dividen itu terkecuali drpd cukai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interim | n interim: ~ measures, langkah-langkah interim; ~ dividend, dividen interim; ~ report, laporan interim; ~ order, perintah interim; in the ~, sementara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ex1 | prep 1. (finance) excluding, tanpa: ~ dividend, tanpa dividen; 2. (commerce) as sold from (warehouse, factory, ship, etc), [not translated]: ~ factory price, harga di kilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
squawk | 2. (colloq) loud complaint, berketuk: the cut in the dividend is bound to raise ~s from the shareholders, potongan dividen pasti akan membuat pemegang-pemegang saham berketuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cumulative | adj kumulatif; (tech) longgokan: the ~ effect of many disturbed nights, kesan kumulatif akibat tidur yg terganggu selama beberapa malam; ~ error, ralat longgokan; ~ dividend, dividen longgokan; ~ voting, pengundian longgokan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
safe | it’s a ~ bet, (colloq) a. almost a certainty, boleh dikatakan pasti: it’s a ~ bet that ASB shares will give increasingly bigger dividends, boleh dikatakan pasti bahawa saham ASB akan memberikan dividen yg semakin banyak; b.certain to be successful, (lebih) selamat: it’s a ~ bet to wear a suit on these occasions, lebih selamat memakai sut di majlis-majlis ini; ~ to say, berani sso katakan: it’s ~ to say that nothing like it has ever been done, berani saya katakan bahawa perkara spt ini tdk pernah dilakukan; on the ~ side, (lebih) selamat: let’s be on the ~ side and order extra food, supaya lebih selamat, baik kita pesan lebih banyak makanan; play (it) ~, (colloq) supaya (lebih) selamat: I’ll play ~ and go to the airport early, supaya lebih selamat, saya akan pergi ke lapangan terbang awal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poor | 2. not good, a. (of economy) lemah; b. (of crops etc) sedikit, sangat kurang: there was a ~ harvest this year, hasil tuaian sedikit tahun ini; c. (in attendance, quantity) kecil, sedikit: a ~ salary, gaji yg kecil; this year the dividends they received were ~, tahun ini, dividen yg diterima oleh mereka sedikit; the company played to ~ houses when on tour, apabila syarikat itu membuat persembahan semasa melancong, bilangan penontonnya kecil; d. (of light) malap: you’ll ruin your eyesight if you read in a ~ light, mata kamu akan rosak jika membaca dlm cahaya yg malap; e. (of chances) tipis: their chances of survival are ~, peluang utk mereka selamat adalah tipis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | diturunkan oleh kakaknya; f. transfer costs, benefit, etc to, memindahkan sst: the higher production costs are certain to be ~ed on to the consumers, kos pengeluaran yg lebih tinggi itu pasti dipindahkan kpd pengguna; part of the profits were ~ed on to the shareholders in the form of higher dividends, sebahagian drpd keuntungan dipindahkan kpd pemegang saham dlm bentuk dividen yg lebih tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |