pouch | n 1. small flexible bag, pau, dompet: he took a gold coin out of his ~, dia mengeluarkan syiling emas dr paunya; ammunition ~, dompet peluru; 2. puffy area under eye, geleberan; 3. pocketlike structure in animals, a. (for carrying young) kantung, saku; b. (in their cheeks for storing food) saku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wallet | n dompet. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
notecase | n dompet. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purse | n 1. small bag for coins, beg duit, dompet: I lost my ~, beg duit saya hilang; 2. (US) handbag, /beg, tas/ tangan; 3. prize money, (hadiah) wang tunai: the prize is a ~ of $10,000, hadiah pertama ialah wang tunai $10,000; 4. funds, wealth, wang: these services will have to be paid for out of the public ~, perkhidmatan itu mesti dibayar dr wang orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bead | vt 1. ornament with beads, menghias dgn manik: to ~ a purse, menghias dompet dgn manik; 2. appear as small drops on (face etc) bermanik-manik pd, penuh dgn [peluh] yg bermanik-manik: his face was ~ed with sweat, mukanya penuh dgn peluh yg bermanik-manik or peluh bermanik-manik pd mukanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
soft | 2. smooth, delicate in texture, lembut: he has a wallet made of ~ leather, dia mempunyai dompet yg dibuat drpd kulit lembut; the ~ skin of a baby, kulit lembut bayi; her evening gown was made from a very ~ material, gaun malamnya dibuat drpd kain yg begitu lembut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
silly | adj 1. foolish, bodoh: how ~ of me to leave my purse on the table, betapa bodohnya aku meninggalkan dompet wang di atas meja itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
misadventure | n 1. unfortunate incident, peristiwa /malang, buruk/: losing my wallet was one of my many ~s that week, kehilangan dompet merupakan salah satu peristiwa malang yg saya alami minggu itu; 2. (leg.) nahas: the ver | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | ~ st in, a. hand st over, menyerahkan sst: somebody found my wallet on the taxi seat and ~ed it in to the police, dompet saya dijumpai orang di atas tempat duduk teksi dan diserahkannya kpd polis; b. return or give st back, /memulangkan, mengembalikan/ sst: the unsold tickets were ~ed in to the secretary, tiket-tiket yg tdk terjual itu dipulangkan kpd setiausaha; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stuff | vt 1. shove (st) into a container, opening, etc, [various translations]: he ~ed the money into his wallet, dia menyumbatkan wangnya ke dlm dompet; he was ~ing food into his mouth as fast as he could, dia sedang menyumbatkan makanan ke dlm mulutnya secepat yg boleh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |