coin | n 1. piece of metal made into money, duit, (duit) syiling: a 10p ~, duit syiling 10p; 2. metal currency, (duit) syiling; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hoard | n 1. st amassed, (sst) yg dikumpulkan: a ~ of gold coins, duit-duit emas yg dikumpulkan; 2. hidden reserve of st, sorokan: the police found a ~ of stolen goods, polis telah menjumpai sorokan barang-barang curi; 3. (archaeol) khazanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slot | vt 1. put through a slot, memasukkan [sst] ke dlm lubang /alur, selit/: she ~ted coins into the piggy bank, dia memasukkan duit-duit syiling ke dlm lubang alur tabung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shake | n 1. act of moving st up and down, side to side, goncangan; (piece of cloth, carpet, etc) kibas, kirai; (head) gelengan: the coins fell out with just one ~, dgn satu goncangan sahaja, duit-duit syiling berhamburan keluar; he indicated his disapproval by a ~ of his head, dia menunjukkan tanda tdk bersetuju dgn gelengan kepalanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pin-money | n 1. small amount of money settled on woman by husband for personal use,duit /belanja, saku/; 2. small sum of money earned, saved for incidental expenses, duit lebih: she has a bit of ~ to spend on clothes for herself, dia ada sedikit duit lebih yg digunakan utk membeli beberapa helai pakaiannya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purse | n 1. small bag for coins, beg duit, dompet: I lost my ~, beg duit saya hilang; 2. (US) handbag, /beg, tas/ tangan; 3. prize money, (hadiah) wang tunai: the prize is a ~ of $10,000, hadiah pertama ialah wang tunai $10,000; 4. funds, wealth, wang: these services will have to be paid for out of the public ~, perkhidmatan itu mesti dibayar dr wang orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coinage | n 1. act of making coins, pencetakan duit syiling; 2. coins collectively, duit syiling; 3. invention of word etc, penciptaan, dicipta: a word of recent ~, kata yg mutakhir dicipta; 4. an invented word etc, kata ciptaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coin | vt 1. make money by stamping metal, mencetak duit syiling: the mint is ~ing pounds, kilang wang itu mencetak duit syiling paun; 2. invent, mencipta: new words are being ~ed, kata-kata baru sedang dicipta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
small change | n 1. duit syiling; 2. (fig.) kecil: to a man like him, $1,000 is ~, bagi orang sepertinya, $1,000 adalah kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
till3 | n 1. cash drawer, laci duit: he put the money in the ~, dia memasukkan wang dlm laci duit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |