sequel | 2. subsequent event, development, ekoran: the events that were the ~ to the splitting of the atom, peristiwa-peristiwa yg menjadi ekoran kpd pemecahan atom; the ~ to this rash action was inevitable, ekoran drpd tindakan gopoh ini tdk dapat dielakkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corollary | n 1. natural outcome, ekoran, akibat: misery is the ~ of war, penderitaan adalah ekoran drpd peperangan; 2. immediate deduction, inference, natijah, kesimpulan: a ~ of the previous proposition satu natijah drpd usul terdahulu; 3. (math) korolari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wake2 | in the ~ of, ekoran drpd: death and destruction came in the ~ of the cyclone, kematian dan kemusnahan berlaku ekoran drpd siklon itu; leave st in its ~, meninggalkan sst di belakangnya: the motorbike left a cloud of dust in its ~, motosikal itu meninggalkan kepulan debu di belakangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
steep 1 | 2. rapid and considerable, a. (of rise in price etc) tinggi: we expect a ~ increase in the price of petrol due to the Gulf crisis, kita menjangka kenaikan harga petrol yg tinggi ekoran krisis Teluk; b. (of a fall in price etc) menjunam: a ~ fall in the price of tobacco, kejatuhan harga tembakau yg teruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harvest | reap the ~, a. benefit from o’s or so’s efforts, beroleh + approp n + hasil: she’s reaping the ~ of years of hard work, dia beroleh kesenangan hasil drpd bekerja keras bertahun-tahun lamanya; b. suffer as a result of o’s or so’s efforts, menerima akibat ekoran: the company is reaping the ~ of expanding too quickly and has new become unwieldy, syarikat itu menerima akibat ekoran drpd berkembang dgn terlalu cepat dan sekarang tdk boleh dikawal lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duel | n 1. fight between two persons, (ber)perang /tanding, mendada/, pertarungan, bertarung: he challenged his rival to a ~, dia mencabar lawannya utk berperang tanding; 2. any contest, struggle, perang: a ~ of words, perang mulut; there followed a ~ between the country’s leading newspapers, ekoran itu berlaku perang antara dua drpd akhbar terkemuka negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expel | vt 1. force (so.) to leave, (club, organization, etc) memecat; (school) dibuang; (country) mengusir: at least 50 party members were ~led, lebih kurang 50 ahli parti itu telah dipecat; he was ~led from the school for hitting a teacher, dia dibuang sekolah krn menumbuk seorang guru; following reports of espionage, several diplomats were ~led from the country, ekoran laporan espionaj, beberapa diplomat telah diusir dr negara itu; 2. force out, mengeluarkan; (air, smoke, etc from lungs) menghembuskan: an extractor fan was installed to ~ the fumes, kipas penyari dipasang utk mengeluarkan wasap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flounder2 | vi 1. move with difficulty, terkial-kial: the horses ~ed in the mud, kuda-kuda itu terkial-kial di dlm lumpur; I ~ed through the deep snow trying to find help, saya terkial-kial melalui salji yg dalam mencuba mendapatkan pertolongan; 2. behave awkwardly, hesitantly, gelabah: the unexpected query about my affair with Elizabeth left me ~ing for a moment, pertanyaan yg tdk diduga ttg hubungan saya dgn Elizabeth membuat saya gelabah sejenak; 3. be in difficulties, jatuh bangun: the institute continued to ~ in the wake of the economic cut-backs, institut itu terus jatuh bangun ekoran pemotongan kewangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |