epic | n epik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mock heroic | adj (liter.) epik olokan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | f. (as an actor, performer, etc) muncul: an actor who has ~ed in several epic films, seorang pelakon yg telah muncul dlm beberapa filem epik; to ~ on stage, muncul di pentas; 7. present os formally, hadir: to ~ in court, hadir di mahkamah; to ~ before the disciplinary committee, hadir di hadapan jawatankuasa tatatertib; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
classic | adj klasik: a ~ example of medieval architecture, contoh klasik seni bina Zaman Pertengahan; a ~ case of forgery, kes pemalsuan yg klasik; ~ works of art, karya seni yg klasik; the film is a ~ historical epic, filem itu ialah epik sejarah yg klasik; a ~ evening dress, gaun malam yg klasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feature | vt 1. make a feature story of, membuat sorotan: the newspaper ~d the kidnapping, surat khabar itu telah membuat sorotan kisah penculikan itu; 2. give prominence to (in film) menonjolkan: an epic film which ~s well-known stars, filem epik yg menonjolkan pelakon-pelakon terkenal; 3. promote, mempromosikan: the supermarket is featuring Thai fruit this week, pasar raya itu mempromosikan buah-buahan Thai minggu ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heroic | adj 1. very brave, sungguh berani: a ~ struggle, perjuangan yg sungguh berani: a ~ rescue, tindakan menyelamat yg sungguh berani; 2. on a grand scale, besar: ~ enterprise, perusahaan besar; 3. (of style, language) muluk-muluk: a speech written in ~ language, ucapan yg ditulis dlm bahasa yg muluk-muluk; 4. (liter.) wira: ~ epic, epik wira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allusion | n 1. act of making indirect reference to, /menyebut, menyentuh/ (secara tdk langsung): his ~ to my prison record was unnecessary, dia tdk perlu menyebut rekod penjara saya; make an ~, (secara tdk langsung) /menyebut, menyentuh/: he does not like people to make any ~ to his blindness, dia tdk suka orang menyebut hal matanya yg buta; 2. indirect reference, esp in literature, kilasan: an epic poem that is full of ~s, puisi epik yg penuh dgn kilasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |