footpath | n lorong jalan kaki, laluan kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | 4. lead, menuju, menghala: the footpath ~s you to a jungle clearing, lorong kecil itu menuju ke cerang di hutan; 5. introduce, memperkenalkan: the people responsible for ~ing the hydroponic method of cultivation to Malaysia, orang-orang yg bertanggungjawab memperkenalkan kaedah penanaman hidroponik di Malaysia; 6. cause to experience, happen, etc as a consequence, membawa; (shame) membawa, mendatangkan; (of effect of drug) memberikan: he brought honour to his family by his heroism, dia membawa kehormatan kpd keluarganya krn kewiraannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pedal | vt mengayuh: a child was ~ling his toy car along the footpath, kanak-kanak itu mengayuh kereta mainannya di lorong jalan kaki itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shiver 2 | n (usu in pl) fragment, splinter, serpihan: little ~s of glass covered the footpath, lorong jalan kaki itu penuh dgn serpihan kaca yg kecil-kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slime | 2. sticky liquid secreted by various fish and snails, lendir: the snails had left trails of ~ on the footpath, siput-siput telah meninggalkan kesan lendir di lorong jalan kaki itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | 4. continue to move in a certain direction, ikut: after you pass the playing field, ~ left, selepas kamu lalu padang permainan, ikut kiri; ~ to the footpath and you won’t get lost, ikut lorong kecil itu dan saudara tdk akan ses | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascending | adj 1. rising upwards, sedang naik: the ~ smoke drifted westward, asap yg sedang naik itu beredar ke barat; 2. sloping upwards, mendaki, memanjat, naik meninggi: an ~ footpath, jalan kecil yg mendaki; 3. (of plant) menaik, menjalar naik: an ~ stem,batang tumbuhan yg menaik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | d. (involving movement from one body of water into another) ke: the river ran ~ the sea, sungai itu mengalir ke laut; 2. (indic direction) ke; (towards which one is looking) ke dalam: the footpath leads ~ the garden, lorong kaki itu menuju ke taman; he was gazing ~ her eyes, dia merenung ke dalam mata gadis itu; peering ~ the dark night, merenung ke dalam kegelapan malam; turn st ~ the wind, menghalakan sst mengikut arah angin: very slowly he turned the sailing boat ~ the wind, dgn perlahan-lahan dia menghalakan kapal layar itu mengikut arah angin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shout | n 1. yell, jeritan, pekikan, teriakan; (of joy, delight, excitement, etc) sorakan; (of laughter) jeritan, pekikan: no one heard his ~s, tdk seorang pun mendengar jeritannya; he heard a ~ of “Look out!” as he stepped off the footpath, dia terdengar jeritan “Jaga-jaga!” apabila dia melangkah dr lorong jalan kaki itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |