ferocious | adj 1. very violent, savage, ganas; (of look, expression) bengis; (of bark, roar) garang: our neighbours have a ~ dog, jiran kami mempunyai anjing yg ganas; he has a ~ temper, dia ganas orangnya; the critics launched a ~ attack on his latest film, para pengkritik melancarkan serangan yg ganas thdp filemnya yg terbaru; the Falklands campaign was characterized by ~ fighting, kempen Falkland dicirikan oleh pertempuran yg ganas; 2. (ref to weather condition) extreme, keterlaluan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
terrorism | n keganasan, ganas: something has to be done to bring these acts of ~ to an end, sesuatu harus dilakukan supaya perbuatan ganas ini dapat dihentikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
violence | n 1. use of bodily force on others esp to hurt, keganasan, ganas: murder, rape and other crimes of ~, pembunuhan, rogol dan jenayah-jenayah ganas yg lain; the charge is one of robbery with ~, tuduhannya adalah mencuri dan melakukan keganasan; complaints of too much ~ on the television, rungutan ttg terlalu banyak keganasan di televisyen; acts of ~, perbuatan ganas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
violence | do ~ to, a. harm, berlaku ganas thdp: she was terrified that the drunken man might do ~ to her, dia takut lelaki yg mabuk itu mungkin berlaku ganas terhadapnya; b. twist, merosakkan: the report does ~ to the truth, laporan itu merosakkan kebenaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
violent | adj 1. (of person) tending to use violence, berlaku ganas: some mental patients are ~, sesetengah pesakit mental berlaku ganas; 2. using or producing great force, hebat; (of kick, blow, etc) kuat, keras: a ~ confrontation between opposing forces, konfrantasi yg hebat antara kuasa yg bertentangan; the attacker gave a ~ blow to his head, penyerang itu memberikan tumbukan yg kuat di kepalanya; 3. vehement, hebat: a ~ quarrel ended their friendship, perkelahian yg hebat menyebabkan persahabatan mereka berakhir; his work came under ~ attack, kerjanya dikecam dgn hebat; 4. happening suddenly and with a lot of force, kuat: a ~ explosion followed the fire, letupan yg kuat berikutan kebakaran itu; ~ acceleration, memecut dgn kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tough | 3. rough, violent, (of person) ganas; (of place) penuh keganasan: a section of the prison was set aside for the really ~ criminals, satu bahagian penjara itu telah dikhaskan utk penjenayah yg betul-betul ganas; a ~ area in town, kawasan yg penuh keganasan di bandar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vicious circle | n /lingkaran, putaran/ ganas: the more she eats, the fatter she gets; the fatter she gets the more miserable she becomes; the more miserable she becomes, the more she eats. It’s a ~, lebih banyak dia makan, dia menjadi lebih gemuk; apabila dia lebih gemuk, dia menjadi lebih sengsara; apabila dia lebih sengsara, dia makan lebih banyak. Itu lingkaran ganas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
volcanic | adj 1. gunung berapi, volkano: ~ action, tindakan volkano; ~ ash, abu gunung berapi; 2. violently forceful, ganas: the peasant revolution was a ~ upheaval in the nation’s history, revolusi petani merupakan pergolakan yg ganas dlm sejarah negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
betray | bertindak ganas; 7. (euphem) seduce and then desert, memperdaya: a girl who was ~ed by her lover, seorang gadis yg diperdaya oleh kekasihnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | ~ drunk, mabuk ganas; ~ fit, segar-bugar; ~ mad, berang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |