interruption | n gangguan; (in flow of speech) menyampuk, mencelah: he worked for hours without ~, dia bekerja berjam-jam tanpa sebarang gangguan; these continual ~s slowed down the work, gangguan yg berterusan ini melambatkan kerja; he hates ~s when he is addressing the crowd, dia tdk suka disampuk semasa berucap di khalayak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
static | n 1. disturbance in transmission, (of radio) gangguan bunyi; (of television) gangguan gambar: a shortwave broadcast has been severely affected by ~ for the past few hours, siaran gelombang pendek terjejas dgn teruk oleh gangguan bunyi sejak beberapa jam yg lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disruption | n gangguan, tergendalanya: ~ of traffic due to floods, gangguan lalu lintas akibat banjir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
upset | 3. disruption, gangguan: an ecological ~, gangguan ekologi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harrassment | n act of troubling, tormenting repeatedly, gangguan yg berkali-kali: the ~ of witnesses, gangguan yg berkali-kali thdp saksi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
privacy | n1. state of being away from others, (keadaan) bersendirian tanpa gangguan, kebersendirian: he likes to relax in the ~ of his own home, dia suka beristirahat bersendirian tanpa gangguan di rumahnya; the apartments provide maximum ~ for each tenant, pangsapuri itu membolehkan setiap penghuninya tinggal bersendirian tanpa gangguan; 2. secrecy, keadaan berahsia: the meeting was held in the ~ of his house, mesyuarat itu berlangsung dlm keadaan berahsia di rumahnya; 3. (leg.) privasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bother | n 1. cause or state of disturbance, annoyance, gangguan: she wanted to be in a place away from all the ~, dia ingin berada di tempat yg jauh drpd segala gangguan; 2. difficulty, fuss, susah payah, kesulitan: we passed through the check-point without the slightest ~, kami melalui tempat pemeriksaan itu tanpa kesulitan sedikit pun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrusion | n 1. act of, a. (entering unasked or forcing os, st upon so., st) gangguan; (into os’s private affairs) campur tangan: I regard this regulation as an unwarrantable ~ on the rights of the individual, saya menganggap peraturan ini sbg gangguan yg tdk dapat dipertahankan thdp hak individu; her well-meaning gesture was interpreted as an ~ into their private affairs, perbuatannya bermaksud baik tetapi ditafsirkan sbg campur tangan dlm urusan peribadi mereka; b. (trespassing) pencerobohan: this ~ into our territory must be stopped, pencerobohan ke kawasan kita ini mesti dihentikan; 2. st that intrudes, gangguan: there were so many ~s on his time that it was impossible for him to finish his work, terlalu banyak gangguan sehingga dia tdk dapat menyelesaikan kerjanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shell-shocked | adj 1. suffering from shell-shock, mengalami /renjatan jiwa, gangguan saraf/ (akibat peperangan):a man who was ~ during the war and never properly recovered, seorang lelaki yg mengalami gangguan saraf akibat perang dan tdk pernah pulih sepenuhnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disorder | n 1. lack of order, disarrangement, (keadaan) berse(le)rak; (of retreating troops) keadaan kelam-kabut: the burglars left the house in a state of ~, perompak-perompak meninggalkan rumah itu dlm keadaan berselerak; 2. breach of peace, commotion, kekacauan: the army was brought in to deal with the ~ in the city, pihak tentera dibawa masuk utk mengatasi kekacauan di bandar raya itu; 3. failure to function properly, gangguan: bowel ~, gangguan usus; digestive ~, gangguan pencernaan; stomach ~, gangguan pd perut; nervous ~, gangguan saraf; mental ~, gangguan mental. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |