alternate | adj 1. occurring by turns, bersilih ganti, silih berganti, berganti-ganti, ganti-berganti, berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling; (of visible thing) berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: ~ rain and sunshine, hujan dan panas yg berselang-seli; a wall made of ~ layers of stone and timber, tembok yg dibina drpd lapisan batu dan kayu yg berselang-seli; 2. every other, berselang: he works on ~ days, dia bekerja berselang hari; 3. see ALTERNATIVE; 4. (of leaves, flowers, etc) selang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spare parts | n barang ganti: ~ for some imported cars are very expensive, barang ganti utk sesetengah motokar yg diimport mahal harganya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damages | n (in pl), (leg.), (bayaran) ganti rugi: he claimed ~ for the loss of his arm, dia menuntut ganti rugi krn kehilangan tangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alternate | vi 1. occur, appear, perform by turns, bersilih ganti, silih berganti; (of visible thing, sound) berselang-seli, berselang-selang, berselang-seling: success ~d with failure, kejayaan dan kegagalan bersilih ganti; day and night ~, siang dan malam silih berganti; red and blue stripes ~ with each other, jalur merah dan biru berselang-seli di antara satu dgn yg lain; the pitter-patter of rain alternating with the rustling of leaves, bunyi rintik-rintik hujan berselang-seli dgn desiran daun-daun; 2. often ~ between, change from one condition etc to another, bersilih ganti, silih berganti: to ~ between laughter and tears, gelak ketawa dan tangisan bersilih ganti; 3. (of electric current, voltage) berulang-alik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
understudy | vt act as understudy, menjadi pelakon ganti: he is ~ing the role of Macbeth, dia menjadi pelakon ganti watak Macbeth. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lieu | n; in ~ (of), sbg ganti (kpd): I was offered time off in ~ of overtime payment, saya telah ditawari cuti sbg ganti bayaran lebih masa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lieu | n; in ~ (of), sbg ganti (kpd): I was offered time off in ~ of overtime payment, saya telah ditawari cuti sbg ganti bayaran lebih masa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spell 3 | take ~s at, berganti-ganti, bergilir-gilir: they took ~s at nursing the child, mereka berganti-ganti menjaga budak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
understudy | n 1. (theater) pelakon ganti: he was made ~ to Olivier in “Richard the Third”, dia dijadikan pelakon ganti kpd Olivier dlm “Richard the Third”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compensation | n 1. act of compensating, pemampasan, pembayaran ganti rugi; 2. st given as recompense, pampasan ganti rugi: the insurance company paid him $50,000 in ~ for the loss of his car, syarikat insurans membayar $50,000 sbg pampasan utk keretanya yg hilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |