retreat | beat a (hasty) ~, lari tergopoh-gapah: we beat a hasty ~ when the police came, kami lari tergopoh-gapah apabila polis datang; make good o’s ~, melepaskan diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frantic | 2. hurried, tergopoh-gapah, tergopoh-gopoh, terburu-buru: when the fire started, there was a ~ rush for the door, apabila kebakaran itu bermula, orang ramai tergopoh-gapah meluru ke pintu; after a week of ~ negotiations, no agreement had been reached, selepas seminggu berunding dgn terburu-buru, belum ada persetujuan yg dicapai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haste | in ~, a. quickly, dgn /cepat, pantas/; b. rashly, precipitately, (dgn) /gopoh-gapah, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru/: he was in great ~ to leave, dia tergesa-gesa hendak meninggalkan tempat itu; a letter written in ~, surat yg ditulis dgn gopoh-gapah; make ~, (old use) cepat-cepat, lekas-lekas: she made ~ to tell her mother the good news, dia cepat-cepat memberitahu emaknya berita baik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harum-scarum | adv dgn gopoh(-gapah); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haste | n 1. speed, rapidity, kecepatan, kepantasan; with all possible ~, secepat mungkin: the job must be done with all possible ~, kerja itu mesti dilakukan secepat mungkin; 2. rashness, precipitateness, bergopoh-gapah, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
such | don’t come sneaking in like that, you gave me ~ a fright, jangan menyelinap masuk begitu, kamu membuat saya terkejut betul; in big cities everyone always seems to be in ~ a hurry, di bandar-bandar besar, setiap orang sentiasa tergopoh-gapah sekali nampaknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | d. (of tide, river) surut; 2. towards the ground or lower level, ke bawah, [usu no specif translation]: he looked ~ at the sea-lions frolicking in the water, dia memandang ke bawah, ke arah anjing laut yg sedang bermain di dlm air; she dared not jump ~ although the wall was only 3 feet high, dia tdk berani melompat ke bawah walaupun tembok itu hanya 3 kaki tingginya; climbing ~ hastily is very dangerous, turun dgn gopoh-gapah adalah berbahaya; he fell ~ and sprained his ankle, dia terjatuh dan kakinya terseliuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feverish | adj 1. having symptoms of fever, [sso] demam, [badan sso] panas: Billy is ~, you’d better send him to bed, Billy demam or badan Billy panas, baiklah suruh dia tidur; have ~ dreams, meracau waktu bermimpi; 2. frenzied, a. (ref to emotion) menggila: there was a look of ~ excitement in his eyes, tergambar keghairahan yg menggila di matanya; b. (ref to activity) bagai hendak gila: it was a ~ race against time for us to get the manuscript submitted before the deadline, utk menyerahkan manuskrip itu sebelum tarikh akhir, bagai hendak gila kami terpaksa mengejar waktu; with ~ haste, dgn tergopoh-gapah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |