whole | ii. (ref to a full or complete period of time) segenap; (of day) suntuk: he didn’t come home for a ~ month, dia tdk balik sudah genap sebulan; that one small job took the plumber a ~ day, sehari suntuk tukang paip membaiki kerosakan yg kecil itu; c. (of amount) penuh: they drank a ~ bottle each, setiap mereka meminum sebotol penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
round | adj 1. circular, spherical or cylindrical, bulat: a ~ window, tingkap bulat; the earth is ~, bumi ini bulat; a ~ tower, menara bulat; 2. plump, montok: ~ cheeks, pipi montok; 3. (of face) bulat; 4. complete, genap: a ~ dozen, sedozen genap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full | 3. also ~ up, having consumed enough food, drink, kenyang: I’m ~, saya kenyang; you should never sleep on a ~ stomach, kamu tdk sepatutnya tidur dgn perut yg kenyang; 4. complete, a. (of name, price, etc) penuh: please write your ~ name here, sila tulis nama penuh saudara di sini; he paid ~ fare for the child, dia membayar tambang penuh utk budak itu; b. (of period) genap, penuh: they worked on the site for a ~ two months, mereka bekerja di tapak itu selama dua bulan genap; the journey will take a ~ three days, perjalanan itu akan mengambil masa tiga hari penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
even | 8. (of voice) steady and calm, tenang: when she spoke her voice was ~, apabila dia bercakap, suaranya tenang; 9. (of temperament etc) tenang: she has an ~ temper, dia tenang orangnya; 10. (of number) genap; 11. fifty-fifty, lima puluh-lima puluh: she stands an ~ chance of winning the title, peluangnya utk memenangi gelaran itu ialah lima puluh-lima puluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | one of these (fine) ~s, (pd) suatu hari nanti; one of those ~s, hari yg serba tdk kena; some ~, suatu hari nanti; that will be the ~, (humorous) tunggulah sampai kucing bertanduk; the ~ after tomorrow, lusa; the ~ before yesterday, kelmarin (dulu); the ~ is ours, kita telah menang; /the, this/ ~ of ~s, hari yg istimewa /ini, itu/; the next ~, keesokan harinya, (pd) esok harinya; the other ~, tempoh hari; /this ~, today/ of all ~s, dlm banyak(-banyak) hari, hari ini pula; this ~ /week, fortnight, etc/, hari yg sama /minggu hadapan, dua minggu dr sekarang, dsb/, /seminggu, dua minggu, dsb/ dr hari ini; those were the ~s, (interj) seronok betul pd masa itu; to /a, the/ ~, genap: six months ago to the ~, genap enam bulan dulu; to this ~, hingga hari ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cool | adj 1. moderately cold, dingin, agak sejuk: the ~ waters of the lake, air tasik yg dingin; ~ weather, cuaca dingin; to be kept in a ~ place, mesti disimpan di tempat yg dingin; 2. providing a feeling between warm and cold, menyamankan: she wore a ~ dress, dia memakai baju yg menyamankan; 3. not friendly or welcoming, dingin: to give so. a ~ reception, memberi sso sambutan yg dingin; her manner was ~ and distant, sikapnya dingin dan tdk peramah; 4. calm, tenang: he has a ~ head, dia berfikiran tenang; ~, calm, and collected, dapat mengawal perasaan; keep ~, bertenang: he kept ~ during the crisis, dia bertenang semasa krisis itu; 5. (of colour) menyejukkan mata, sejuk; 6. (colloq), (of sum of money) genap: a ~ million, sejuta genap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | adv 1. parallel to and touching a surface, [various translations]: I had to press myself ~ against the fence to let the car pass, saya terpaksa melekapkan badan saya ke pagar supaya kereta itu dapat lalu; after the party we found him lying ~ on his back on the bathroom floor, selepas majlis itu, kami mendapati dia berbaring terlentang di lantai bilik air; 2. completely, betul-betul: I am ~ broke, saya betul-betul pokai; 3. below the proper pitch, dgn nada flet: she often sings ~, dia sering menyanyi dgn nada flet; 4. definitely, terus terang: she told me ~ that..., dia terus terang memberitahu saya bahawa...; 5. exactly, tepat, genap: he completed the journey in 22 hours ~, dia menamatkan perjalanan itu tepat 22 jam or dlm 22 jam tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |