kettledrum | n gendang belanga, dram kawah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tom-tom | n gendang tom-tom. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | n 1. stroke, blow (as on a drum) paluan, pukulan; 2. sound made by stroke, bunyi + approp n: the ~ of the drum, bunyi pukulan gendang; the ~ of marching feet, bunyi hentakan kaki orang berkawat; 3. (of the heart) pulsation, degup; 4. (mus) rentak: they danced to the ~ of the gamelan, mereka menari mengikut rentak gamelan; there are four ~s to a bar, ada empat rentak pd satu bar; 5. (poet.) metrical stress, rentak; 6. assigned round, route of policeman, etc, rondaan; 7. (phys) rentak; 8. (in hunting) area scoured in search of game, /kawasan, tempat/ perburuan; 9. beatnik, bitnik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antiphonal | adj 1. sung alternately, antifon: ~ singing, nyanyian antifon; 2. responsive, menyambut: the blare of trumpets is ~ to the beating of drums, bunyi trompet menyambut bunyi paluan gendang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beating | n 1. thrashing, pukulan: the ~ left marks all over his body, pukulan itu meninggalkan bekas di seluruh tubuhnya; 2. (of drum ), (bunyi) pukulan: the constant ~ of the drums kept the wild animals at bay, pukulan gendang yg berterusan menyebabkan binatang liar tdk berani dekat; get a ~, a. be thrashed, dipukuli, dibelasah; b. suffer defeat, dikalahkan dgn teruk, mengalami kekalahan yg teruk, kalah teruk; give so. a ~, a. beat so. severely, /memukul(i), membelasah/ sso; b. defeat so., mengalahkan sso dgn teruk; take a ~, a. bring defeat on os, dikalahkan dgn teruk, mengalami kekalahan yg teruk, kalah teruk; b. bring severe criticism on os, menerima kritikan hebat; take /some, a lot of/ ~, sukar /ditandingi, diatasi/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
click | vt cause to make slight short sound, mengklikkan; (heels) menghantukkan; (fingers) memetik: to ~ o’s tongue, mengklikkan lidah; the soldier ~ed his heels, askar itu menghantukkan tumit kasutnya; she ~ed her fingers in time to the drumbeats, dia memetik jarinya mengikut rentak gendang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distant | adj 1. far apart, jauh: communication was difficult between the two ~ places, perhubungan adalah sukar antara dua tempat yg jauh itu; 2. far off, jauh: travel to ~ parts, mengembara ke tempat-tempat yg jauh; the ~ stars, bintang-bintang yg jauh; the ~ sound of drums, bunyi gendang yg jauh; 3. away, jauh(nya): they set up a tent a few kilometers ~ from the shore, mereka mendirikan sebuah khemah beberapa kilometer jauhnya dr pantai; 4. far away in time, jauh: at some ~ point in time, pd satu ketika yg jauh pd masa depan; 5. faint, remote, a. (of resemblance) sedikit; b. (of prospect) tipis; c. (of allusion) sipi; d. (of connection) jauh; 6. not closely related, jauh: a ~ relative, saudara jauh; 7. abstracted, vacant, jauh: a ~ look, pandangan yg jauh; 8. reserved, aloof, dingin, tdk mesra: a ~ manner, gaya yg dingin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |