turn | take (it in) ~s, bergilir-gilir, berganti-ganti, mengikut giliran: they took it in ~s to do the cooking, mereka bergilir-gilir memasak; the class took ~s at reading, murid kelas itu membaca bergilir-gilir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | ~ and ~ about, bergilir-gilir, berganti-ganti: they took ~ and ~ about to watch for the signal, mereka bergilir-gilir utk memerhatikan isyarat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spell 3 | take ~s at, berganti-ganti, bergilir-gilir: they took ~s at nursing the child, mereka berganti-ganti menjaga budak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spell 3 | 3. a short turn of work, berganti-ganti, bergilir-gilir: each man does a ~ of two hours at the helm, setiap orang berganti-ganti mengemudi selama dua jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
steer | vi 1. guide, control course of vehicle, memandu; (ship) berkemudi: they took it in turns to ~, mereka bergilir-gilir memandu; they ~ed westward by the stars, mereka berkemudi ke arah barat dgn berpandukan bintang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sit | ~ on, a. brood, mengerami: the male and female birds take it in turns to ~ on the eggs, burung jantan dan burung betina bergilir-gilir mengerami telur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | in ~, a. following in order of time or place, pula: we got the news from them; they in ~ got it from the office, kami mendapat berita itu drpd mereka; mereka pula mendapatnya dr pejabat; b. successively(concerning persons) bergilir-gilir, berganti-ganti; (concerning inanimate objects) berganti dr... ke...: the patients were all attented to in ~, para pesakit dilayani bergilir-gilir; the city was called in ~ Hollandia, Kota Baru, Soekarnapura and Jayapura, nama bandar itu berganti dr Hollondia ke Kota Baru ke Soekarnapura dan ke Jayapura; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rotate | vt 1. revolve, memutarkan: the force of the water ~s the mill, kuasa air memutarkan kincir; 2. cause to grow in rotation, menggilirkan: to ~ crops, menggilirkan tanaman; 3. cause to take turns, bergilir-gilir + approp v: the members ~ the chairmanship among them, ahli-ahli itu bergilir-gilir memegang jawatan pengerusi di kalangan mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rotation | n 1. act of revolving, putaran: the ~ of the earth, putaran bumi; 2. recurrent series, silih berganti: the ~ of the seasons, musim silih berganti; 3. planned sequence of cropping, giliran: the annual ~ of crops, giliran tanaman tahunan; 4. regular succession of various members in office etc, giliran; /in, by/ ~, (secara) bergilir-gilir: they do the work in ~, mereka membuat kerja itu bergilir-gilir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peel | ~ away, a. come off in strips or flakes, terkopek, terkelupas: the paint has ~ed and the wall looks a mess, cat itu terkopek dan dinding kelihatan buruk; b. ( plane ) veer away, melencong: the planes ~ed away in turn to dive over the target, kapal-kapal terbang itu melencong secara bergilir-gilir utk menjunam ke arah sasaran; ~ st away, remove outer covering , /mengopek, mengupas/ sst: after you ~ away the outer skin of the onion, you will find you have to remove several more layers, selepas kamu mengopek kulit luar bawang, kamu akan dapati bahawa kamu kena membuang beberapa lapisan lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |