denuded | adj gondol: ~ valley, lembah yg gondol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stark | 2. desolate, harsh, gondol; (of landscape) tandus dan suram; (of room, wall, etc) bogel, kosong: the ~ cliffs fell sheer to the ocean, cenuram gondol itu menjunam ke laut; a ~ landscape, pemandangan yg tandus dan suram; a room as ~ as a prison cell, bilik yg bogel spt bilik di penjara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denude | be ~d of st, a. (of trees, leaves, sand, etc) gondol: a valley ~d of vegetation, lembah yg gondol; b. (of attribute, hope, etc) sudah hilang, tdk ada lagi: to be ~d of decent feelings, sudah hilang perasaan kemanusiaan; c. (of possession) ketandusan: to be ~d of o’s every possession, ketandusan setiap harta miliknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denude | vt 1. make bare, (act.) menggondolkan; (pass.) menjadi gondol: frost had ~d the trees, fros telah menggondolkan pokok-pokok itu; mountainsides ~d by wind and rain, lereng-lereng bukit yg menjadi gondol krn angin dan hujan; 2. deprive, a. (of attribute, hope, etc) memusnahkan: his involvement in the scandal had ~d him of all dignity, penglibatannya dlm skandal itu telah memusnahkan kehormatannya; b. (of possession) menandaskan, menanduskan: his creditors ~d him of every cent he possessed, pemiutangnya telah menandaskan setiap sen yg dipunyainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bald | adj 1. without hair (ref to person, head) botak; 2. without feathers, fur, tdk berbulu: there is a ~ spot on the animal’s back, ada tompok tdk berbulu pd belakang binatang itu; 3. without trees etc, gondol: a ~ mountain, gunung yg gondol; 4. not covered with grass, tdk berumput: ~ patches on the field, tompok-tompok tdk berumput di padang; 5. without leaves, gondol: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg gondol; 6. (of tyre) botak, tdk berbunga, licin; 7. plain, sahaja, hanya ... sahaja: a ~ statement of fact, hanya pernyataan fakta sahaja; 8. blatant, terang-terangan, tdk berselindung-selindung: a ~ lie, dusta yg terang-terangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gaunt | adj 1. bony and haggard, kurus kering; (of cheeks, eyes) cengkung: the prisoners of war looked ~, tawanan-tawanan perang itu kelihatan kurus kering; 2. bare and desolate, gondol dan gersang; (of house) kosong dan tdk berseri: the ~ trees in winter, pohon-pohon gondol dan gersang pd musim sejuk; a ~ landscape, pandangan darat yg gondol dan gersang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bare | adj 1. (of body parts) a. (gen) terdedah: his ~ legs were covered with mosquito bites, kakinya yg terdedah itu penuh dgn bekas gigitan nyamuk; her ~ back, belakangnya yg terdedah; b. (of feet) tdk berkasut; c. (of head) tdk /bertudung, bertopi, berkopiah, bersongkok dll [as approp]/; 2. without cover, tdk + approp v, tanpa + approp n: a ~ light bulb, mentol yg tdk berterendak: a ~ floor, lantai yg tdk beralas; 3. without trees or leaves, gondol: the ~ hills, bukit-bukau yg gondol; the trees are ~ in winter, pokok-pokok semuanya gondol dlm musim sejuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expose | b. cause to be uncovered or unprotected, (act.) menyebabkan terdedah, mendedahkan; (pass.) terdedah: the floods had washed away the top soil, exposing bare rock, banjir telah menghanyutkan bunga tanah, menyebabkan batu gondol terdedah; this change of position ~d the soldiers to enemy fire, pertukaran kedudukan ini mendedahkan askar-askar kpd serangan tembakan musuh; at low tide part of the coral reef is ~d, semasa air surut, sebahagian drpd terumbu karang itu terdedah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
naked | adj 1. unclothed, nude, bogel, telanjang: the children were ~, budak-budak itu bogel; 2. without the usual covering, a. (esp of young animal) tdk berbulu; (of chicken) dogel; b. (of sword, dagger, etc) terhunus: a ~ sword, pedang yg terhunus; c. (of tree, hillside, etc) gondol: the ~ fields, padang yg gondol; d. (of rock) terdedah; e. (of light) tdk bertudung: a ~ light bulb, mentol lampu yg tdk bertudung; f. (of flame, fire) terbuka; 3. without ornamentation, furnishings, bogel; 4. exposed, undisguised, terang-terangan, tdk berselindung-selindung: the ~ truth, kebenaran yg terang-terangan; acts of ~ aggression, tindakan agresif yg tdk berselindung-selindung; the ~ eye, mata kasar: a virus cannot be seen with the ~ eye, virus tdk boleh dilihat dgn mata kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bareness | n 1. (of body parts) a. (gen) terdedah; b. (of feet) tdk berkasut; c. (of head) tdk /bertudung, bertopi, bersongkok dll/ [as approp]; 2. condition of being without cover, tdk ber + approp n, tanpa + approp n; 3. condition of being without trees, leaves, keadaan [sst] yg gondol: the ~ of the countryside, keadaan kawasan desa itu yg gondol; 4. plainness, tdk berhias; 5. emptiness, kekosongan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |