subpoena | vt menyampaikan sepina kpd: he has been ~ed to appear in court, sepina telah disampaikan kepadanya utk hadir di mahkamah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favour | ~ so. with, (fml) bermurah hati utk: he ~ed us with his presence at the opening ceremony, dia bermurah hati utk hadir di majlis pembukaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anybody | n significant person, (orang) yg penting: everybody who is ~ in the town was at the dinner, setiap orang yg penting di bandar itu hadir di majlis makan malam tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | b. be absent, tdk hadir: the boy ~ed away from school because he was very frightened of the teacher, budak itu tdk hadir di sekolah krn dia terlalu takut akan gurunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
absent | vt; ~ os from, a. (school, work) tdk /hadir di, pergi ke, datang ke/; b. (meeting, seminar, etc) tdk menghadirkan diri di: he ~ed himself from the board meeting, dia tdk menghadirkan diri di mesyuarat lembaga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attend | vt 1. be present at, menghadiri, hadir di; (classes, lectures) mengikuti, menghadiri: to ~ a seminar, menghadiri seminar; his lectures were well ~ed, banyak orang yg mengikuti kuliahnya; 2. go to, pergi ke, ke: my brother will not be ~ing school today, adik saya tdk akan pergi ke sekolah hari ini; to ~ church, pergi ke gereja; 3. study at, belajar di: she ~ed a boarding school, dia belajar di sekolah berasrama; 4. look after, menjaga; (by doctor, nurse, etc) merawat: to ~ the poor, menjaga orang-orang miskin; he was ~ed by an experienced doctor, dia dirawat oleh seorang doktor yg berpengalaman; 5. accompany, menyertai: success at last ~ed our efforts, kejayaan akhirnya menyertai usaha kami; 6. escort, accompany, mengiringi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | f. (as an actor, performer, etc) muncul: an actor who has ~ed in several epic films, seorang pelakon yg telah muncul dlm beberapa filem epik; to ~ on stage, muncul di pentas; 7. present os formally, hadir: to ~ in court, hadir di mahkamah; to ~ before the disciplinary committee, hadir di hadapan jawatankuasa tatatertib; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
present1 | adj 1. being in a specified place, hadir: the police took the names of those ~ at the meeting, pihak polis mengambil nama mereka yg hadir di perhimpunan itu; among those ~ were ..., antara yg hadir ialah ...; ~ in st, ada: this filter will strain out any waste matter that might be ~ in the water, tapis ini boleh mengasingkan sebarang bahan yg tdk dikehendaki yg mungkin ada dlm air; 2. existing or happening at the moment, sekarang: this event led to the ~ trouble in the country, peristiwa inilah yg menyebabkan berlakunya huru-hara di negeri itu sekarang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spirit 1 | 2. person’s deepest thoughts and feeling, jiwa: her ~ is so disturbed that she couldn’t sleep, jiwanya begitu terganggu hingga dia tdk dapat tidur; I can’t attend your graduation ceremony, but I’ll be there in ~, saya tdk dapat hadir di upacara penyampaian ijazah kamu, tetapi jiwa saya tetap bersamamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
personal | 3. done directly by a particular person, peribadi; (by being present) sendiri: the minister made a ~ appeal to the student rebels, menteri itu secara peribadi membuat rayuan kpd pelajar-pelajar yg memberontak; the ambassador made a ~ appearance at the opening of the exhibition, duta itu sendiri hadir di acara perasmian pameran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |