truism | n kebenaran hakiki: a speech full of ~s, ucapan yg penuh dgn kebenaran hakiki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effective | n (in pl) askar-askar hakiki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
real | “Wah! Kamu betul-betul hidup mewah di sini”; 5. (of cost, income, etc) sebenar, hakiki: ~ income, pendapatan sebenar; the ~ value of the ringgit has fallen, nilai sebenar ringgit telah turun; 6. (math) nyata; 7. (used for emphasis) betul(-betul): you’re a ~ fool, kamu betul-betul bodoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effective | adj 1. having an effect, efficient, berkesan, efektif; (so as to be impressive) mengesankan: ~ measures to reduce inflation, langkah-langkah yg berkesan utk mengurangkan inflasi; the choice of colour combination was very ~, pilihan kombinasi warna sangat mengesankan; 2. (of medicine, remedy) mujarab, mustajab, manjur: an ~ ointment for eczema, salap ekzema yg mujarab; 3. operative, mula /berkuat kuasa, dikuatkuasakan/: the law is ~ from the first of January, undang-undang ini mula berkuat kuasa pd satu hari bulan Januari;4. actual, hakiki: the full strength of this battalion is 1,000, but the ~ strength is 800, kekuatan penuh batalion ini ialah 1,000, tetapi kekuatan hakikinya ialah 800; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |