product | n 1. st produced, a. (from a farm, mine, etc) hasil: agricultural ~s, hasil-hasil pertanian; b. (in a factory etc), (barang) keluaran: the firm spends a lot of money advertising its ~, syarikat itu membelanjakan wang yg banyak utk mengiklankan barang keluarannya; 2. st that is the result a. (of a creative, scientific, etc process) hasil: we gathered round the table to admire the finished ~, kami berkumpul di sekeliling meja utk menikmati hasil yg telah siap itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expose | 3. introduce, acqaint, mendedahkan: he was ~d to the works of Chaucer, Jonson and Pope at an early age, dia didedahkan kpd hasil-hasil karya Chaucer, Jonson dan Pope sejak kanak-kanak lagi; 4. a. make (crime etc) known, mendedahkan: the press ~d the scandal which the organization had tried to conceal, pihak akhbar mendedahkan skandal yg cuba diselindungi oleh organisasi itu; b. make known the crime etc of, mendedahkan + approp n: he threatened to ~ the syndicate to the police, dia mengugut utk mendedahkan kegiatan sindiket itu kpd polis;5. (photog) dedahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
produce | n hasil: dairy ~, hasil tenusu; garden ~, hasil kebun; P~ of, buatan, keluaran; (of agricultural products) keluaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
work | 7. st produced by work esp of the hand, /hasil, kerja/ tangan: this basket is my own ~, bakul ini ialah hasil tangan saya sendiri; we sell our ~ to tourists, kami menjual hasil tangan kami kpd pelancong; the ~ of a famous sculptor, hasil tangan seorang pengukir yg termasyhur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revenue | n income a government receives through taxation, hasil: the sources of ~ are drying up, sumber-sumber hasil semakin berkurang; oil ~s, hasil minyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crop | vi mengeluarkan hasil: the field should ~ well this year, ladang itu seharusnya mengeluarkan hasil yg banyak tahun ini; the beans have ~ped twice as much as the potatoes, tanaman kacang telah mengeluarkan hasil dua kali ganda lebih banyak drpd tanaman kentang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
result | n 1. a. outcome, product, hasil: I am looking forward to see the ~ of your work, saya menanti-nanti akan hasil kerja kamu; the ~s of our planning were beyond our expectation, hasil rancangan kami sungguh di luar jangkaan kami; b. consequence, akibat: the ~s of the war, akibat-akibat peperangan; the accident was a direct ~ of the driver’s carelessness, kemalangan itu adalah akibat langsung dr kecuaian pemandu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sublimate | n (chem) hasil pemejalwapan: ~ of iodine, hasil pemejalwapan iodin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proceeds | n hasil kutipan: ~s of the fun fair will go to the Society for the Blind, hasil kutipan pasar ria itu akan didermakan kpd Persatuan Orang-Orang Buta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reap | vi memungut hasil tanaman: the farmhands were out in the fields ~ing, pekerja ladang sedang memungut hasil tanaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |