waft | n breath of air, scent, etc, bau (hembusan); (pleasant-smelling) bau semerbak: the ~s of cigarette smoke made me cough, bau hembusan asap rokok menyebabkan saya terbatuk; a ~ of perfume makes the whole room fragrant, bau semerbak minyak wangi membuat seluruh bilik itu harum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
puff | n 1. quick gust of wind, air, etc, hembusan, tiupan: she looks so frail, as though the slightest ~ would blow her over, dia kelihatan terlalu lemah sehinggakan hembusan angin yg sedikit sekali pun boleh menyebabkan dia tumbang; 2. act of puffing on pipe, cigarette, etc, menghisap: after a few ~s, he threw the cigarette away, selepas menghisapnya beberapa kali dia mencampakkan rokok itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stir 1 | 2. movement, pergerakan; (of wind), hembusan: he enjoyed the ~ and bustle of life in the city, ,dia seronok dgn pergerakan dan kesibukan kehidupan di bandar raya; they felt a slight ~ of wind,, mereka merasakan hembusan angin yg lembut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
surface | 3. uppermost level or top of a body of liquid, permukaan: a gentle breeze rippled the ~ of the lake, hembusan angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa menyebabkan permukaan tasik itu beriak-riak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stir 1 | ~ st up, a. cause st to rise by stirring, i. (by wind) menyebabkan sst berterbangan: a breeze ~red up the dust and dried leaves, hembusan angin menyebabkan habuk serta daun-daun kering berterbangan; ii. (in water etc) menyebabkan sst berkocak: the passage of the herd had ~red up the mud and sand at the bottom of the river, sekumpulan lembu yg sedang lalu itu telah menyebabkan lumpur serta pasir di dasar sungai itu berkocak: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
puff | 3. (of steam, vapour, etc) kepul(an): ~s of white cloud drifted across the sky, kepulan awan putih berarak di langit; 4. shell of soft light pastry filled with creamy mixture, paf: cream ~s, paf krim; 5. (colloq)breath, hembusan: a ~ of breath,hembusan nafas; out of ~, sesak nafas: he was completely out of after climbing the mountain, dia betul-betul sesak nafas selepas mendaki gunung tersebut; 6. see POWDER PUFF; 7. (colloq) exaggerated praise, pujian yg melambung-lambung: the review is really only a ~ for the book, ulasan itu hanyalah semata-mata pujian yg melambung-lambung thdp buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stir 1 | 3. cause to move or change position, membuat [sst] + approp v: a little smile ~red his lips, senyuman sumbing itu membuat bibirnya bergerak; a breeze ~red the surface of the lake, tiupan angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa membuat permukaan tasik itu berkocak; a slight wind ~red the leaves on the tree, hembusan angin membuat daun-daun pd pokok itu bergoyang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |