unsounded | adj not pronounced, tdk dibunyikan: certain letters in French are ~, huruf-huruf tertentu dlm bahasa Perancis tdk dibunyikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dot | vt 1. place dot over, membubuh titik pd, menitik: to ~ the “i”s, membubuh titik pd huruf-huruf “i”; ~ /the, o’s/ i’s and cross /the, o’s/ t’s, approp v + dgn teliti: the boss is very fussy; you’ll have to learn to ~ your i’s and cross your t’s, bos itu sangat cerewet; kamu mesti bekerja dgn teliti; 2. mark with dots, membubuh titik pd: he ~ted the area affected by the floods, dia membubuh titik pd kawasan yg terlibat dgn banjir: 3. cover with st resembling dots, (usu pass.) bertaburan di: the night sky was ~ted with millions of stars, berjuta-juta bintang bertaburan di langit malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
print | vi 1. write in printed style, menulis huruf demi huruf: as your handwriting is difficult to read, I suggest you ~, disebabkan tulisan kamu sukar dibaca, saya cadangkan kamu tulis huruf demi huruf; 2. reproduce(letter, picture, etc) by mechanical means, mencetak: this machine no longer ~s well, mesin ini tdk lagi mencetak dgn baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | I’d left my glasses at home, ~ (that) I couldn’t read the small print on the form, cermin mata saya tertinggal di rumah, oleh itu saya tdk dapat membaca huruf-huruf kecil dlm borang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unlettered | adj illiterate, tdk kenal huruf, buta huruf: an ~ peasant, petani yg tdk kenal huruf. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | you must ~ over your lessons in the evening, kamu mesti mengulang or melihat kembali pelajaran kamu pd sebelah malam; d. work on top of st, approp v + sst sekali lagi; (stitches) membalas sst: ~ over the letters with red ink, ikut huruf-huruf itu sekali lagi dgn dakwat merah; you have to ~ over the stitches so that the seam does not split open, kamu terpaksa membalas jahitan itu supaya kelimnya tdk terbuka; e. clean st, membersihkan sst: she only had time to ~ over the room quickly with a broom, dia hanya ada masa utk membersihkan bilik itu cepat-cepat dgn penyapu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
small | 9. (of letter) not capital, huruf kecil: this word should be written with a ~ ‘e’ not a capital ‘E’, perkataan ini mesti ditulis dgn huruf kecil ‘e’ bukan huruf besar ‘E’; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lisp | n & vi pelat menyebut huruf “s”: the little boy has a bad ~, budak lelaki itu sangat pelat menyebut huruf “s”; she still ~s badly, dia masih pelat menyebut huruf “s”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lettering | n 1. act of inscribing letters, penulisan huruf: his ~ is meticulous, penulisan hurufnya dibuat dgn teliti; 2. letters drawn, inscribed, etc, tulisan huruf: gold ~, tulisan huruf emas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lettering | n 1. act of inscribing letters, penulisan huruf: his ~ is meticulous, penulisan hurufnya dibuat dgn teliti; 2. letters drawn, inscribed, etc, tulisan huruf: gold ~, tulisan huruf emas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |