aloft | adj & adv 1. up above, di atas; 2. upwards, ke atas 3. (naut) a. on higher part of ship, di puncak layar: he stayed ~ to watch for sharks, dia berada di puncak layar utk meninjau ikan yu; b. to higher part of ship, ke puncak layar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | ~ /so., st / off, melawan/ sso, sst/: she managed to ~ off the rapist, dia dapat melawan perogol itu; I’m still ~ing off my cold, saya masih mencuba melawan selsema ini; to ~ off homesickness, melawan rasa rindu akan kampung halaman; he fought off the shark and swam back to the beach, dia dapat melawan ikan yu dan berenang kembali ke pantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
a, an | indef article 1. (denoting an unspecified member of a class, or a member of a class considered as representative of the whole), [not translated]: there’s ~ snake in the well, ada ular di dlm perigi; I prefer to stay in ~ hotel, saya lebih suka menginap di hotel; ~ shark has sharp teeth, ikan yu bergigi tajam; 2. (denoting some particular member of a class) a certain, se-[+classifier], [i.e. sebuah for inanimate objects, seekor for animals, seorang for human beings etc]: there’s a fire in ~ hotel in Pudu Road, ada kebakaran di sebuah hotel di Jalan Pudu; my mother knows ~ girl who can cook, ibu saya kenal seorang gadis yg pandai memasak; she has ~ cat and ~ dog, dia mempunyai seekor kucing dan seekor anjing; exceptions, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |