illustration | n 1. drawings, photographs, etc used to illustrate a text, ilustrasi, gambar: the ~s in the book are excellent, ilustrasi dlm buku itu sungguh baik; 2. example, contoh: let me give you an ~ of what I mean, biar saya berikan contoh ttg apa yg saya maksudkan; 3. illustrating or being illustrated, a. (by giving related examples etc) penjelasan, menjelaskan: let me, by way of ~, give you a specific example, biarlah saya, sbg penjelasan, memberikan contoh khusus; he cited many examples in ~ of his argument, dia memberikan beberapa contoh utk menjelaskan hujahnya; b. (by furnishing with drawings, photographs, etc) mengilustrasi: he specialized in the ~ of children’s books, dia mengkhusus dlm kerja mengilustrasi buku anak-kanak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illustrator | n pelukis ilustrasi, pengilustrasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frontispiece | n illustration opposite the title page of a book, ilustrasi depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plate | 8. metal, plastic, etc treated so that word, picture can be printed from it, plat: printing ~, plat percetakan; 9. the print so. produced, ilustrasi, gambar: a picture of the house is shown on the ~ opposite page 71, gambar rumah itu ditunjukkan dlm ilustrasi yg terletak bertentangan dgn halaman 71; 10. (photog) plat; 11. (colloq) denture, gigi palsu: he forgot to put his ~ back in, dia terlupa hendak memakai gigi palsunya semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erotic | adj erotik: the book is full of ~ illustrations, buku itu penuh dgn ilustrasi yg erotik; ~ feelings, perasaan erotik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
composite | adj made up of various parts, komposit; (math) gubahan: ~ illustrations, ilustrasi komposit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
page 1 | n 1. muka surat, halaman: the illustration on ~ 10 , ilustrasi pd muka surat 10; how many ~s have you written? , berapa banyak muka surat telah kamu tulis?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illustrative | adj 1. serving to illustrate by example etc, menunjukkan: that remark was ~ of his attitude towards politics, ata-katanya itu menunjukkan sikapnya thdp politik; 2. serving to illustrate by drawings, photographs, etc, ilustrasi, bergambar: the ~ materials are well arranged, bahan-bahan ilustrasi itu tersusun rapi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
top1 | 2. upper part of page, bahagian atas: there is an illustration at the ~ of the page, ada satu ilustrasi di bahagian atas muka surat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prime | adj 1. of the finest quality, excellent, terbaik: a ~ cut of meat, bahagian daging yg terbaik; this is the ~ illustration of what I’ve been talking about, inilah ilustrasi terbaik ttg apa yg telah saya perkatakan; 2. most important, fundamental, utama: water and electricity are ~ needs in the rural areas, bekalan air dan elektrik merupakan keperluan utama di kawasan luar bandar; 3. most typical, paling jelas: this is a ~ example of your usual carelessness, inilah contoh yg paling jelas ttg kecuaian yg biasa kamu lakukan; 4. (math) perdana: ~ factor, faktor perdana; 5. (finance) utama: ~ cost, kos utama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |