rural | adj luar bandar: ~ industries, industri-industri luar bandar; they lived in ~ seclusion, mereka tinggal terpencil di luar bandar; the ~ areas, kawasan-kawasan luar bandar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
public ownership | n pemilikan awam: ~ of important industries, pemilikan awam thdp industri-industri penting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fledg(e)ling | adj (new) baru; (inexperienced) belum matang: ~ industries, industri-industri baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
saturate | the northern part of the city is already ~d with small industries, kawasan utara bandar itu sudah pun dipenuhi industri-industri kecil; they ~d the area with anti-drug posters, mereka menyebarluaskan poster-poster antidadah di kawasan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
industry | n 1. manufacture or production of goods for sale, industri, perusahaan: many new industries have emerged, banyak industri baru telah muncul; primary ~, perusahaan utama; heavy ~, industri berat; the Ministry of Trade and I~, Kementerian Perdagangan dan Perindustrian; 2. the people, organization and processes involved in this, industri: the film ~, industri perfileman; the tourist ~, industri pelancongan; 3. quality of being hard-working, kerajinan: his success was due to his ~ and ingenuity, kejayaannya adalah krn kerajinannya dan kepintarannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rationalize, rationalise | vt 1. explain on rational grounds, memberi rasional thdp: it’s impossible to ~ faith, tdk mungkin utk memberi rasional thdp kepercayaan; 2. make a business etc more efficient, merasionalkan: the need to ~ the rural industries, keperluan utk merasionalkan industri-industri luar bandar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
related | adj 1. connected, berkait(an): the strike will affect the automobile industry and all ~ industries, mogok itu akan mendatangkan kesan kpd industri kereta dan semua industri yg berkaitan; the two problems are closely ~, kedua-dua masalah itu berkait rapat; 2. connected by a family relationship, bersaudara: he is distantly ~ to me, dia bersaudara jauh dgn saya; they are ~ by marriage, mereka bersaudara melalui perkahwinan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prosperity | n state of being successful, affluence, (of person, country, etc) kemajuan, kemakmuran, kejayaan; (of business, industry, etc) kejayaan, kemajuan: may ~ and happiness always be your lot, semoga kamu akan sentiasa hidup dlm kegembiraan dan kemakmuran; the ~ of the country depends largely on secondary industries, kemajuan negeri itu sebahagian besarnya bergantung pd industri-industri sekunder. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trade | 2. the ~, (a particular business) perdagangan; (a particular industry) industri: she went into the antique ~, dia memasuki perdagangan barang-barang antik; such hotels help the tourist ~, hotel-hotel demikian membantu industri pelancongan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
levee | draw ~, bersaing-saing: the two horses drew ~, dua ekor kuda itu bersaing-saing; draw ~ (with), dapat menyaingi: manufacturing has drawn ~ with the other major export industries in the country, industri perkilangan telah dapat menyaingi industri eksport yg lain di negara ini; /have, keep/ a ~ head, bertenang: if you don’t keep a ~ head, things are likely to go wrong, jika kamu tdk bertenang, banyak perkara yg mungkin silap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |