infection | n 1. act of infecting, state of being infected, jangkitan, infeksi: the source of ~ has been traced, punca jangkitan telah pun dikesan; young children are particularly open to ~, kanak-kanak mudah terdedah pd jangkitan; 2. disease, penyakit; (affecting specif organ) sakit; (tech) jangkitan, infeksi: it is a fairly common ~ in old people, penyakit ini agak biasa di kalangan orang-orang tua; eye ~s sakit mata; he has a severe throat ~, sakit tekaknya teruk; 3. poisoning, jangkitan, infeksi: ~ will delay the healing process, infeksi akan melambatkan proses penyembuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
puerperal | adj of, connected with, childbirth, nifas; (tech) puerpera: ~ fever, demam nifas; ~ infection, infeksi puerpera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |