rhythmic(al) | adj 1. of rhythm, irama; 2. having rhythm, berirama: strongly ~ verses, rangkap-rangkap yg sangat berirama; 3. moving in rhythm, mengikut rentak: the ~ movements of the dance, gerak tarian mengikut rentak; the ~ wash of the waves on the beach, ombak menghempas ke pantai mengikut rentak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rhythm | n 1. (in musical composition or poetry) irama; 2. movement with a regular succession of strong and weak elements, ritma: the ~ of the heart beating, ritma denyutan jantung; 3. regular recurrence of events etc, ritma: the ~ of boom and depression, ritma zaman melambung dan meleset; the ~ of the seasons, ritma musim. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
metre2 | n 1. (prosody) pola irama; 2. (mus) meter. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jig | n 1. (dance) tarian jig; 2. (music) , /lagu, irama/ jig; 3. (appliance) jig; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pulse 1 | n 1. regular beating of the blood in the arteries, nadi: the doctor felt the child’s ~, doktor merasa nadi budak itu; the shock quickened his ~, kejutan itu mempercepat denyutan nadinya; ~ rate, kadar denyutan nadi; 2. (mus) detik: the rhythmic ~ of the music, muzik yg mempunyai detik irama; 3. (electr) denyut; 4. current public opinion, perasaan: a politician with the ability to feel the ~ of the people, ahli politik yg boleh merasakan perasaan orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plaintive | adj 1. expressing sadness,sedih; (of song etc) mendayu-dayu: there was a ~ note in her voice, ada nada sedih dlm suaranya; a beautiful ~ melody, irama yg mendayu-dayu; 2. expressing suffering, sorrow, sayu: a ~ cry for help, bunyi jeritan yg sayu meminta pertolongan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lively | adj 1. vivacious, high-spirited, cergas dan bersemangat: a ~ old lady, perempuan tua yg cergas dan bersemangat; the patient seems more ~ today, pesakit itu nampaknya lebih cergas dan bersemangat hari ini; 2. animated, a. (of debate, event, book, etc) hangat: a ~ discussion, perbincangan yg hangat; b. (of song, melody, etc) rancak: they danced to a ~ tune, mereka menari diiringi irama yg rancak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |