interchangeable | adj boleh ditukar ganti; (tech) saling boleh tukar: these terms are not synonyms and are therefore not ~, istilah-istilah ini bukan sinonim dan oleh itu, tdk boleh ditukar ganti; the parts are ~, bahagian yg saling boleh tukar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
use | come into ~, mula digunakan: this method has only recently come into ~, kaedah ini hanya baru-baru ini mula digunakan; these terms came into ~ during the war, istilah-istilah ini mula digunakan semasa perang; have no ~ for, (fig.) dislike, tdk /suka, gemar/ akan, tdk /menyukai, menggemari/: he’s the sort of man I have no ~ for, orang macam dia, tdk saya sukai; I’ve no ~ for people like them, saya tdk gemar akan orang spt mereka; in ~, digunakan: the model in ~ has been found satisfactory, model yg digunakan didapati memuaskan; the system has been in ~ since 1970, sistem itu telah digunakan sejak tahun 1970; make ~ of, menggunakan: they made good ~ of the opportunities that came their way, mereka menggunakan peluang yg datang pd mereka dgn baik; they do not make the maximum ~ of what they have, mereka tdk menggunakan apa-apa yg ada pd mereka sepenuhnya; of ~, berguna: her advice was of great ~ to me, nasihatnya amat berguna bagi saya; out of ~, a. no longer used, tdk digunakan lagi: that word has gone out of ~ nowadays, perkataan itu tdk digunakan lagi sekarang; b. not working, needing repair, rosak: every telephone at the railway station was now out of ~, setiap telefon di stesen kereta api itu sudah rosak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
philosophic (al) | adj 1. about or devoted to philosophy, falsafah: the ~ works of Aristotle, karya-karya falsafah Aristotle; 2.according to philosophy, falsafah: ~ principles, prinsip-prinsip falsafah; ~ terminology, istilah-istilah falsafah; 3. accepting defeat, disappointment, etc, with quiet courage, berfalsafah: he was ~ about the troubles that beset him, dia berfalsafah thdp kesusahan yg menimpanya; his ~ attitude to life,sifatnya yg berfalsafah thdp kehidupan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
terminology | n specialized words or expressions, istilah: a word used in medical ~, perkataan yg digunakan dlm istilah perubatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
familiarize, familiarise | vt 1. accustom, membiasakan: he ~d himself with the job, dia membiasakan dirinya dgn tugas itu; to ~ teachers with the new curriculum, membiasakan guru-guru dgn kurikulum baru itu; 2. make well-known, menyebarluaskan: to ~ the new terminologies through the media, menyebarluaskan istilah-istilah baru menerusi media massa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
term | n 1. word or expression with a specific meaning, istilah: a dictionary of technical ~s, kamus istilah teknik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glossary | n glosari, daftar /kata, istilah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Hellenic | adj (of ancient Greek) Yunani: an ~ term, istilah Yunani; ~ laws, undang-undang Yunani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dictionary | n kamus: a Malay ~, kamus bahasa Melayu; a ~ of technical terms, kamus istilah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | ~ a multitude of sins, melindungi pelbagai jenis maksiat: the term “business” ~s a multitude of sins, istilah “perniagaan” melindungi pelbagai jenis maksiat; ~ o’s tracks, (lit. & fig.) menutup jejak sso; ~ /old, same/ ground, approp v + perkara yg sama: the lecturer will be ~ing old ground, pensyarah itu akan membincangkan perkara yg sama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |