footsore | adj sakit kaki (krn berjalan jauh): they were ~ and weary when they arrived home, mereka sakit kaki krn berjalan jauh dan keletihan apabila sampai di rumah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
march | 2. tiring walk, berjalan jauh: the bus broke down and we had a long ~ home, bas rosak jadi kami terpaksa berjalan jauh utk sampai ke rumah; 3. procession, perarakan: thousands of people took part in an anti-war ~, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
surrounding | adj sekeliling, sekitar: they would go for long walks in the ~ countryside, mereka pergi berjalan-jalan jauh-jauh di sekitar desa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tramp | 3. long walk, berjalan-jalan jauh: we went for a ~ in the country, kami pergi berjalan-jalan jauh di kawasan desa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unfit | adj 1. in poor physical condition, tdk sihat: if you are weak and ~ don’t undertake such a long journey, kalau kamu lemah dan tdk sihat, janganlah pergi berjalan jauh spt itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
going-over | n (colloq) a. thorough examination, pemeriksaan, memeriksa; (document, manuscript) penelitian, meneliti: you’ll need to give that car a ~ before you go on your long journey, kamu perlu memeriksa kereta itu sebelum kamu berjalan jauh; b. cleaning, membersihkan; c. repairing, membaiki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | ~ in, a. (sl) kill, membunuh: he felt like ~ing himself in, dia terasa spt hendak membunuh diri; b. (colloq), (usu pass.) lembik, letak, letai: the horses were ~ne in after the long ride, kuda-kuda itu letak setelah berjalan jauh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
travel | vi 1. make a journey, berjalan; (for its own sake) berjalan-jalan, berpergian, membuat perjalanan; (to a particular place) pergi; (with no set intention) mengembara; (by flying) terbang: they ~led by night and rested by day, mereka berjalan pd waktu malam dan berehat pd waktu siang; his job means that he has to ~ a lot, krn kerjanya dia sering berjalan; he spent two years ~ling abroad, dia menghabiskan dua tahun berjalan-jalan di luar negeri; he has never ~led more than five miles from his village, dia tdk pernah berpergian lebih jauh drpd lima batu dr kampungnya; he ~s to the city each day by bus, setiap hari dia pergi ke bandar dgn bas; when man first ~led to the moon, apabila manusia pertama kali pergi ke bulan; these people spend most of their lives ~ling, orang-orang ini menghabiskan kebanyakan hidup mereka dgn mengembara; some migrating birds ~ thousands of miles in a year, ada burung-burung hijrah yg terbang beribu-ribu batu dlm setahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | 5. (foll adj or adv, often used with “only”’) up to a definite but unspecified limit, sekian: I can only walk ~ far and then I have to rest, saya cuma boleh berjalan sekian jauh, kemudian saya mesti berehat; the old lady could only talk for ~ long before she became breathless, wanita tua itu hanya dapat bercakap utk sekian lama sebelum mula termengah-mengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
way | put so. in the ~ of (doing) st, memberikan peluang kpd sso utk + approp v: she put me in the ~ of a job, dia memberikan peluang kpd saya utk mendapat kerja itu; quite a ~, agak jauh: the baby can walk quite a ~ now, bayi itu boleh berjalan agak jauh sekarang; /see, realise/ the error of o’s ~s, menyedari kesilapan sso: soon she will realise the error of her ~s, lambat laun dia akan menyedari kesilapannya; see o’s ~ clear, (colloq) a. be able (to lend money), [not translated]: could you see your ~ clear to lending me a couple of dollars?, dapatkah kamu pinjami saya beberapa dolar?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |