good-looking | adj (of man) tampan, kacak, sajak; (of woman) kecantikan, kejelitaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good looker | n (of man), (orang yg) /tampan, kacak, sajak/; (of woman) cantik, jelita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
terrifically | adv (colloq) betul-betul: he is ~ good-looking, dia betul-betul kacak; she’s ~ kind, dia betul-betul baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
terrific | adv (colloq) betul-betul: he is ~ good-looking, dia betul-betul kacak; she’s ~ kind, dia betul-betul baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handsome | adj 1. good-looking, a. (of man) tampan, kacak, segak; b. (of woman) segak; 2. (of room, building, etc) elegant, tersergam indah: a ~, old building, bangunan lama yg tersergam indah; 3. (of present, gift) generous, berharga, mahal: that diamond watch is a ~ gift, jam bertatah berlian itu merupakan hadiah yg berharga; 4. very large, banyak, besar: he won by a ~ majority, dia menang dgn majoriti yg besar; that kind gentleman gave us a ~ tip, lelaki yg budiman itu memberi kami tip yg besar; 5. magnanimous, a. (of person) baik hati: it was very ~ of him to forgive his enemies, dia sungguh baik hati krn memaafi musuh-musuhnya; b. (of an action) mulia: a ~ deed, perbuatan yg mulia; a ~ apology, meminta maaf banyak-banyak; a ~ compliment, pujian yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gush | ~ over, beria-ia memuji: she ~ed over the handsome actor, dia beria-ia memuji pelakon yg kacak itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tall | adj 1. above average in height, tinggi: a ~ and handsome man, lelaki yg tinggi dan kacak; a row of ~ palm trees along the avenue, sebaris pokok palma yg tinggi di sepanjang lebuh itu; two ~ glasses of orange juice, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
man | n 1. adult male human being, (orang) lelaki: the director’s a handsome ~, pengarah itu seorang lelaki yg kacak; 2. human being, manusia: such squalid habitation is unfit for ~ or beast, tempat tinggal yg ko | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indeed | 6. (used interrogatively) really, is it so, betul, ya: “They spoke about you” “I~?”, “Mereka bercakap ttg kamu” “Betul?”; “He thinks he’s handsome” – “Does he, ~?”, “Dia fikir dia kacak” – “Ya?”; 7. (used to express irony, surprise, etc) ya: “Who is that young man over there?” – “Who is he ~?”, “Siapa pemuda itu?”– “Siapa, ya?”; 8. (used as interjection expressing irony, surprise, etc) ya: “Why is he here?” “Why ~!”, “Mengapa dia ada di sini?” “Mengapa, ya?”; if ~, kalau pun: I haven’t got the book now, if ~ I ever had it, buku itu tdk ada pd saya sekarang, kalau pun saya pernah ada buku itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
will 1 | c. (with adv of time), [often not translated]: the next meeting ~ be held on March 20th, mesyuarat yg berikut akan diadakan pd 20hb Mac; she ~ meet a handsome man from overseas, but she ~ not be happy, dia akan bertemu dgn seorang lelaki yg kacak dr seberang laut, tetapi dia tdk akan bahagia; she ~ be going to London tomorrow, so my absence ~ not be noticed, dia /akan, hendak/ pergi ke London besok, jadi ketiadaan saya tdk akan ketara; the colonial period was now ending and soon a new age would begin, zaman kolonial kini sedang berakhir dan tdk lama lagi akan bermula suatu zaman baru; where would he go if he got kicked out of here?, ke mana dia nak pergi kalau dia dibuang dr sini?; don’t stand there, you’ll fall!, jangan berdiri di situ, nanti jatuh!; we’ll meet at the Dewan tomorrow, OK?, kita berjumpa di Dewan besok, O.K?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |