cactus | n kaktus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
succulent | 2. (of plant) sukulen: the ~ leaves and stems of the cactus store water, daun dan batang sukulen pokok kaktus menyimpan air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spine | 3. prickle, duri: the ~s on the fish’s fins are poisonous, duri pd sirip ikan itu beracun; some animals have protective ~s, sesetengah haiwan mempunyai duri pelindung; the ~s of a cactus, duri kaktus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
need | vt & aux 1. require, memerlukan [n], perlu [v]: I ~ $200, saya memerlukan wang $200; I ~ to borrow $200, saya perlu meminjam wang $200; this house ~s a new coat of paint, rumah ini perlu dicat lagi; the extra money was not ~ed, wang tambahan itu tdk diperlukan; cactuses ~ little water, pokok kaktus memerlukan sedikit air; this section ~s rewriting, bahagian ini perlu ditulis semula; 2. have to, perlu, harus, mesti; (in the negative) tdk perlu; (colloq) tak /payah, usah/: a fact that we all ~ to bear in mind, suatu kenyataan yg harus kita semua ingat; we ~n’t go to work tomorrow, tak payah kita pergi kerja esok; you ~n’t pretend you didn’t hear, kamu tak usah pura-pura tak dengar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |