code | n 1. body of laws, kanun: section 45 of the penal ~, seksyen 45 kanun jenayah; 2. system of principles, tata: ~ of behaviour, tatalaku; ~ of ethics, tataetika; moral ~, tatamoral; 3. system of secret words, letters, etc, kod: Morse ~, kod Morse; a message typed in ~, mesej yg ditaip dlm bentuk kod; 4. system of letters or numbers used for identification, kod: ~ number, nombor kod; post ~, poskod; dialling ~, kod mendail; exchange ~, kod ibu sawat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
penal code | n kanun /jenayah, keseksaan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
criminal | adj 1. rel to, involving crime or its punishment, jenayah: a ~ offence, kesalahan jenayah; ~ negligence, kecuaian jenayah; ~ record, rekod jenayah; ~ code, kanun jenayah; ~ lawyer, peguam jenayah; 2. characteristic of a criminal, penjenayah: ~ behaviour, tabiat penjenayah; ~ mind, akal penjenayah; 3. evil, immoral, zalim; 4. (colloq) senseless, regrettable, sayang: it’s ~ to let such a fine house go to ruin, sayang rumah yg begitu cantik dibiarkan menjadi punah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |