coarse | adj 1. rough-textured, not fine, kasar: the ~ skin of her hands, kulit tangannya yg kasar; curtains made of ~ fabric, langsir yg dibuat drpd kain yg kasar; his moustache was ~ and black, misainya kasar dan hitam; ~ sugar, gula kasar; 2. (of food) common, plain, biasa: ~ wine, wain biasa; 3. unrefined, kasar: his ~ manner put me off, gayanya yg kasar membuat saya berasa meluat; 4. indelicate, crude, kasar; (of language, words) kasar, kesat: his jokes are always ~, jenakanya selalunya kasar; your ~ remarks offended some of the guests, kata-katamu yg kesat itu menyakiti hati sesetengah tamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coarse-grained | adj 1. berira kasar; (of powderlike substance) berbutir kasar: ~ leather, kulit berira kasar; 2. (fig.) kasar: ~ fellow, orang yg kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rough | in ~, secara kasar: draw the plan in ~ first, lukiskan pelan itu secara kasar dulu; in the ~, dlm keadaan kasar: he could only show me the design in the ~, dia hanya dapat menunjukkan lukisan reka bentuk itu dlm keadaan kasar kpd saya; take the ~ with the smooth, menerima baik buruknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crudeness | n quality of being, a. (roughly made) kasar buatannya: the ~ of the drawings, lukisan-lukisan yg kasar buatannya; b. (simple and rough) kekasaran, kasar buatannya: the ~ of the workmanship, kerja tangan yg kasar buatannya; the ~ of his ways, caranya yg kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gross | adj 1. total, whole, without deduction, kasar: the ~ weight, berat kasar; ~ income, pendapatan kasar; 2. (esp leg.) flagrant, glaring, melampau: ~ injustice, ketidakadilan yg melampau; the driver was charged with ~ negligence, pemandu itu didakwa krn kecuaian yg melampau; a ~ error, kesilapan yg melampau; 3. (of person) obese, terlampau gemuk, gemuk /gedempong, gedempol/; 4. vulgar, coarse, kasar: she found his ~ jokes repulsive, dia mendapati jenaka kasar lelaki itu menjijikkan; 5. unpleasant, offensive, hodoh: ~ statues of animals stand guard over the entrance, arca-arca binatang yg hodoh berdiri di pintu masuk seolah-olah menjadi pengawal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rough | the boy is very ~ with his toys, budak lelaki itu sangat kasar thdp mainannya; ~ handling of the suitcase, beg pakaian yg dikendalikan dgn kasar; 6. harsh a. (of wine) keras; b. (of voice) kasar; c. (of words) kesat, kasar; 7. made or done hastily, kasar: can you give me a ~ estimate of the costs?, boleh kamu beri saya anggaran kasar kosnya?; he has written the ~ draft of his speech, dia telah menulis draf kasar ucapannya; 8. (colloq) unwell, tak sihat: I’m feeling a bit ~. I’d like to rest, saya rasa tak sihat. Saya nak berehat; 9. disorderly, seedy, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncouth | adj kasar: his manners were rather ~, perangainya agak kasar; an ~ soldier, askar yg kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crucify | crude adj 1. in the raw state, mentah; (of salt) kasar: ~ opium, candu mentah; ~ rubber, getah mentah; 2. roughly made, a. (of furniture, bomb, etc) kasar buatannya: a ~, lopsided table, meja yg kasar buatannya dan tinggi sebelah; b. (of drawing, draft, etc) kasar: ~ sketches, lakaran kasar; ~ estimate, anggaran kasar; 3. simple and rough, kasar: his ~ manners, caranya yg kasar; ~ method of punishment, cara menghukum yg kasar; 4. vulgar, tdk sopan: ~ jokes, gurauan yg tdk sopan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
roughly | adv 1. harshly, dgn kasar: the prisoners were treated ~, banduan-banduan itu diperlakukan dgn kasar; 2. approximately, kira-kira, lebih kurang: at a cost of ~ $20, dgn harga kira-kira $20; ~ speaking, bercakap /secara am, dlm garis kasar/; 3. crudely, secara kasar: the hut was ~ built, pondok itu dibina secara kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rough | adj 1. not smooth, kesat, kasar: the cloth is ~ to the touch, kain itu kesat apabila disentuh; ~ hands, tangan yg kasar; 2. not level, lekuk-lekak: a ~ road, jalan yg lekuk-lekak; 3. shaggy, hairy, kesat, kasar: ~ skin, kulit kasar; a dog with ~ fur, anjing yg berbulu kesat; 4. stormy, violent, bergelora; (of wind) kencang: ~ seas, laut yg bergelora; a ~ voyage to the island, pelayaran yg bergelora ke pulau itu; 5. not gentle, kasar: ~ behaviour, perangai yg kasar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |