outbound | adj outgoing, menuju ke luar + approp n: ~ traffic, lalu lintas yg menuju ke luar kota. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outward | adv usu outwards 1. towards the outside, ke luar; (rel to action) ke (arah): bend the ends of the wire outwards, bengkokkan hujung kawat itu ke luar; he stood by the window, staring outwards at the sea, dia berdiri di tingkap sambil memandang ke arah laut; push o’s lips ~, menjuihkan bibir sso; 2. (rel to journey etc) ke luar: our journey outwards was quite uneventful, tdk ada peristiwa yg menarik semasa perjalanan ke luar kami; ~ bound ship, kapal yg dlm pelayaran keluar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
out | prep; ~ of, a. from the inside to the outside, ke luar: he jumped ~ of the window, dia melompat ke luar tingkap; b. from place st is stuck in, keluar dr: it took five men to pull the cart ~ of the ditch, lima orang diperlukan utk menarik kereta sorong itu keluar dr parit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
out | i. (indic direction towards which so. is looking) ke luar: he was looking ~ of the window at something in the distance, dia sedang memandang ke luar tingkap ke arah sst di kejauhan; j. in the open air, di luar: I’m not scared because there are many people sleeping ~ tonight, saya tdk takut krn banyak orang yg tidur di luar malam ini; 2. (indic that so. is leaving an institution) keluar: once ~ of prison, he went back to his old ways, sebaik saja dia keluar dr penjara, dia kembali kpd perangainya yg lama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uptown | adv (US), (in the outer part of town) di pinggir bandar; (towards outer part of town) ke luar bandar: our parents live ~, ibu bapa saya tinggal di luar bandar; he drove ~, dia memandu ke luar bandar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prospect | memikirkan bahawa dia akan pergi ke luar negeri utk melanjutkan pelajaran menyeronokkannya; b. (st that might happen) kemungkinan, harapan: we have little ~ of succeeding, kemungkinan utk kami berjaya adalah tipis sekali; in the present circumstances, there is no ~ of a reduction in taxation, dalam keadaan sekarang ini, kemungkinan utk cukai dikurangkan langsung tdk ada; 3. (old-fashioned) view over wide area of countryside etc, pemandangan (yg luas): the house has a fine ~, pemandangan dr rumah itu indah sekali; 4. a. very likely customer, client, etc, bakal + approp n: an experienced | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outgoing | adj 1. a. leaving, departing, akan keluar; (of mail) hendak dihantar keluar; (of ship, traffic, etc) menuju ke luar + approp n; (of tide) surut: ~ tenants, penyewa-penyewa yg akan keluar; the ~ traffic is very heavy in the late afternoon, lalu lintas yg menuju ke luar kota sangat sesak pd waktu petang; the ~ tide, air pasang surut; b. (retiring) akan bersara; (finishing term of office) akan tamat tempoh jawatannya; (of committee) akan tamat tempohnya: the ~ President, Presiden yg akan bersara; 2. sociable, extrovert, peramah, ramah: he is ~ compared to his shy brother, dia peramah jika dibandingkan dgn adiknya yg pemalu itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unseeingly | adv kosong: he stared ~ out of the window, dia merenung kosong ke luar tingkap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blasé | adj jelak, muak: she is becoming ~ about travelling abroad, dia semakin jelak mengembara ke luar negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purpose | vt (dated) bercadang: they ~ going abroad in the autumn, mereka bercadang utk pergi ke luar negeri dlm musim gugur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |