majesty | n 1. grandeur, kehebatan dan keagungan: the ~ of the Taj Mahal in the moonlight, kehebatan dan keagungan Taj Mahal di bawah sinaran bulan; 2. sovereign power, kuasa pemerintahan beraja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
splendour, (US) splendor | b. (of city, era, civilization) kemegahan: the ~ of the Inca civilization, kemegahan Tamadun Inca; c. (of painting, handicraft, etc) kehebatan: the peaceful ~ of the Alhambresque architecture, kehebatan senibina Alhambra yg menyamankan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ambitiousness | n 1. quality of being full of ambition, sifatnya yg bercita-cita tinggi; 2. quality of showing ambition, kehebatan: to measure the value of a poem by the ~ of its form, mengukur nilai sebuah puisi menurut kehebatan bentuknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
virtuosity | n kehebatan yg luar biasa: a performance that displayed his ~, persembahan yg memaparkan kehebatannya yg luar biasa; of great ~, luar biasa hebatnya: an artiste of great ~ , artis yg luar biasa hebatnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impressiveness | n hebatnya, kehebatan, menarik(nya); (in amount) hebatnya, mengagumkan; (of building) hebat, mengagumkan, tersergam indah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
show | 5. ostentatious display, kegemilangan; (derog) pameran, dipamerkan: behind all the pomp and ~ of the coronation there is a deep feeling of national loyalty and pride, di balik kehebatan dan kegemilangan upacara pertabalan itu, terdapat rasa setia dan rasa bangga yg mendalam thdp negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
simplicity | 2. quality of being unsophisticated, unpretentious, kesederhanaan, sederhana: he preferred the ~ of life in the country, dia lebih suka kesederhanaan hidup di desa; the greatness of the idea lies in its ~, kehebatan gagasan itu terletak pd kesederhanaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
power | a ~ of good, kebaikan: the long rest will do him a ~ of good, rehat yg panjang akan mendatangkan kebaikan kepadanya; the ~s that be, pihak yg berkuasa; at the height of o’s ~, di puncak kehebatan sso: he wrote the piece when he was at the height of his ~ as a composer, dia menulis lagu itu semasa dia berada di puncak kehebatannya sbg seorang penggubah; in ~, berkuasa: the party has been in ~ since 1988, parti itu telah berkuasa sejak tahun 1988; in /o’s, so’s/ ~, dlm /genggaman, cengkaman/ sso: Fanny is in his ~ because he knew her terrible secret, Fanny berada dlm genggaman lelaki itu krn dia tahu rahsia buruk Fanny; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
power | b. (in pl) all the faculties of o’s body i. (of body) badan: as he grows older his ~s are slowly failing, semakin dia meningkat tua badannya bertambah lemah; ii. (of mind) kuasa: a man of great intellectual ~, seorang yg mempunyai kuasa intelek yg begitu kuat; 3. strength, force, behind st, kekuatan; (fig.) kehebatan: the power of the blow knocked his opponent off his feet, kekuatan pukulannya menyebabkan lawannya jatuh; they were defeated by the ~ of her speech, mereka telah dikalahkan oleh kehebatan ucapannya; 4. ability to control others, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intensity | 4. (of work of art) penuh perasaan: a painting of dramatic ~, lukisan yg penuh perasaan; 5. extremely bright or deep, a. (of colour), terangnya; b. (of light), /terlalu, sangat/ terang; (of sunlight) teriknya; 6. strenuosness of effort, kehebatan, hebat(nya): the campaign against illiteracy was waged with ~ by those involved, kempen utk membasmi buta huruf dilaksanakan dgn hebatnya oleh mereka yg terlibat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |