confusion | n 1. bewilderment, kekeliruan: the two conflicting statements have caused quite a bit of ~, dua kenyataan yg bertentangan itu telah menimbulkan sedikit sebanyak kekeliruan; I could see the ~ on her face when she read the report, saya dapat melihat kekeliruan di wajahnya apabila dia membaca laporan itu; 2. chaos, keadaan /kacau, tdk keruan/: there was ~ after the bomb exploded in the hotel lobby, keadaan tdk keruan setelah bom meletup di ruang legar hotel itu; 3. state of uncertainty, kekeliruan: there was some ~ about the seating arrangements, terdapat kekeliruan ttg susunan tempat duduk; 4. act of mixing up (so., st) kekeliruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mix-up | n (colloq) kekeliruan: there’s been a silly. I’ve been given Zain’s passport, and he’s been given mine, ada kekeliruan sedikit. Saya diberi pasport Zain, dan Zain diberi pasport saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
muddle | n kekeliruan, kecelaruan: there’s some ~ over our bookings, terdapat beberapa kecelaruan ttg tempahan kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
muddle | get into ~, keliru, berada dlm kekeliruan: I often get myself into a ~, saya sering keliru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alteration | n 1. act of altering, pemindaan, pengubahan; (of course) pengubahan: the ~ of the plan caused much confusion, pemindaan rancangan itu banyak menimbulkan kekeliruan; 2. result of altering, pindaan; (when subj is not specified) perubahan: to charge five ringgit for ~s to a dress, mengenakan bayaran lima ringgit bagi pindaan baju; there isn’t much ~ in the organisation, tdk banyak perubahan dlm organisasi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extremely | adv sangat, amat, sungguh: the incident had made her ~ unhappy, peristiwa itu telah membuatnya sangat sedih; he was ~ careful not to upset their arrangements, dia sangat hati-hati agar tdk mengganggu rancangan yg telah diatur oleh mereka; ~ sorry, (when making an apology) minta maaf banyak-banyak: I’m ~ sorry for the mix-up, saya minta maaf banyak-banyak atas kekeliruan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |