tinkle | n bunyi /kelenteng, kelenting/: the ~ of the sleigh bells, bunyi kelenteng loceng-loceng andur; give so. a ~, (colloq) menelefon sso:I’ll give you a ~ tonight, saya akan menelefon kamu malam ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ring 2 | n 1. sound (of handbell), (bunyi) /kelenteng, kelenting/; (of churchbells) keleneng; (of telephone, alarm clock) bunyi (ber)dering; (of bicycle bell) kring-kring; (of buzzer) bunyi pembaz; give the bell a ~, membunyikan loceng; 2. resonant and metallic sound, bunyi dentingan; 3. set of bells in a tower or belfry, peranggu loceng: a ~ of six bells, seperanggu enam loceng; 4. loud, clear sound, bunyi lantang: the ~ of the children’s happy laughter, bunyi lantang ketawa riang kanak-kanak itu; 5. expressive quality or character, nada: his statement has a ~ of sincerity, kenyataannya bernada ikhlas; there was a ~ of truth about his story, ada nada kebenaran ttg ceritanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |