spangle | vt adorn, cover with spangles, approp v + /jemeki, labuci, kelip-kelip/; (give a glittering effect to, as with spangles) membuat [sst] berkelip-kelip: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firefly | n kunang-kunang, kelip-kelip, api-api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spangle | n shiny pieces of metal, plastic, beads and sequins, etc used to decorate cloth, jemeki, labuci, kelip-kelip: the ~s on the dress sparkled as she moved, labuci pd pakaiannya berkilau semasa dia bergerak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flicker | vi 1. shine unsteadily, berkelip-kelip, berkedip-kedip: the candle ~ed in the breeze, lilin itu berkelip-kelip ditiup bayu; 2. move unsteadily, flutter, a. (of eyes) berkedip-kedip, berkelip-kelip; b. (of shadow) meliuk-liuk; c. (of leaves, snake’s tongue, etc) bergetar-getar: the speedometer needle ~ed around the 90 kph mark, jarum meter laju itu bergetar-getar di sekitar 90 ksj; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blink | vi 1. open and close the eyes involuntarily, berkedip, berkelip, berkejip, berkerdip, berkejap; (continuously) berkedip-kedip, berkelip-kelip, berkejip-kejip, berkerdip-kerdip, berkejap-kejap: the sudden noise made her ~, bunyi bising yg tiba-tiba itu menyebabkan matanya berkedip; 2. look with half-shut winking eyes, berkedip-kedip, berkelip-kelip, berkejip-kejip, berkerdip-kerdip, berkejap-kejap: he stood ~ing in the bright sun, dia berdiri dgn mata berkedip-kedip di bawah cahaya matahari; 3. shine intermittently or unsteadily, berkedip-kedip, berkelip-kelip, berkejip-kejip, berkerdip-kerdip: the light of the steamer ~ed in the distance, lampu kapal api itu berkedip-kedip di kejauhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fairy lights | n lampu kelap-kelip. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
twinkle | vi 1. wink, berkelipan, berkelip-kelip, berkedip-kedip, mengerdip: stars twinkling in the sky, bintang-bintang yg berkelipan di langit; the lights of the town ~d in the valley below, lampu-lampu bandar berkelipan di lembah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blink | vt 1. open and close eyes quickly, berkedip-kedip, berkelip-kelip, berkejip-kejip, berkerdip-kerdip, berkejap-kejap; (voluntarily) mengedip-ngedipkan, mengelip-ngelipkan, mengejip-ngejipkan, mengerdip-ngerdipkan, mengejap-ngejapkan: he ~ed his eyes as he came out of the dark room, matanya berkedip-kedip apabila dia keluar dr bilik gelap itu; 2. ignore deliberately, menutup mata: there is no ~ing at the fact that the affair will create a political scandal, kita tdk seharusnya menutup mata dan menganggap bahawa perkara itu tdk akan mengakibatkan skandal politik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spangle | the dressmaker ~d the hem of the dress, tukang jahit menjahit labuci pd kelim baju itu; rain-drops ~d the fluttering leaves of the trees, titik-titik hujan membuat daun-daun pokok yg bergetar-getar itu berkelip-kelip. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wink | vi 1. shut and open o’s eye briefly, mengenyit (mata): he smiled and ~ed at me, dia senyum dan mengenyit pd saya; he nodded and ~ed in response, dia mengangguk dan mengenyit mata sbg membalas; 2. flicker, twinkle, berkelip(an), berkelip-kelip: stars ~ing in the dark sky, bintang-bintang berkelipan di langit gelap; a signal lamp ~ed from the flagship, lampu isyarat berkelip-kelip dr kapal induk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |