wind1 | break ~, kentut; get ~ of, (colloq) dapat tahu: the customs officials must have got ~ of the illegal cargo, pegawai-pegawai kastam itu tentu dapat tahu ttg kargo haram itu; get the ~ up, (colloq), (naik) takut: “there’s no need to get the ~ up. The boat’s quite safe”, “tak perlu takut. Perahu ini selamat; in the ~, (colloq) likely to happen, mungkin jadi: his promotion is in the ~, kenaikan pangkatnya mungkin jadi; like the ~, spt angin: he ran home like the ~, dia berlari pulang spt angin; put the ~ up, (colloq) menakutkan: the police have put the ~ up the gangsters, pihak polis menakutkan samseng-samseng itu; see /how, which way/ the ~ /blows, lies/, /menengok, melihat/ keadaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fart | vi (taboo) kentut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fart | n (taboo) kentut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ the news (to so.) menyampaikan berita (kpd sso); ~ open, pecah; ~ st open, membuka dgn mengopak; ~ o’s promise, /mungkir, tdk menepati/ janji; ~ (up) a set, memecahkan set; ~ o’s silence, /membuka, memecahkan/ rahsia; /(ter)salah, ketinggalan/ langkah; ~ o’s word, mungkir janji, tdk /menepati, mengotakan/ kata; ~ the water, muncul di permukaan air; ~ wind, buang angin, kentut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |