Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

untoprep (old use or biblical) 1. (indic st is done or given to so.) kepada: do ~ others as you would have em do ~ you, lakukan kepada orang lain sebagaimana yg kamu ingin dilakukan kepada kamu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
onto, on toprep 1. to a place or point on, ke atas: he jumped ~ the horse, dia melompat ke atas kuda itu; the children climbed ~ the roof, kanak-kanak itu naik ke atas bumbung; 2. (indic direction towards which one is moving etc) terus ke: all the bedrooms open ~ a verandah, semua bilik tidur itu terbuka terus ke beranda; 3. (indic place into which st is being put) ke dalam: I watched as they loaded our things ~ the lorry, saya memperhatikan sahaja semasa mereka memunggah barang-barang kami ke dalam lori; 4. (indic that one is introducing a new subject) kepada: let’s move on to the next item on the agenda, mari kita beralih kepada perkara seterusnya dlm agenda;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
payable adj 1. that must be paid, (mesti) dibayar: the instalment is ~ on the tenth of every month, ansuran mesti dibayar pd 10 hb setiap bulan; 2. (of cheque, money order, etc) specifying payment to person or company, bayar kepada.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
toprep 1. in the direction of, towards, a. (a place) ke: they go ~ school by bus, mereka pergi ke sekolah dgn bas; she was on her way ~ our house, dia dlm perjalanan ke rumah kami; this road goes ~ Bristol, jalan ini menuju ke Bristol; I am going ~ Europe next year, saya akan pergi ke Eropah tahun depan; b. (a person) kepada: I threw the ball ~ him, saya membaling bola itu kepadanya; c. (an object) ke arah: she was pointing ~ the picture on the wall, dia sedang menunjuk ke arah gambar di dinding itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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