privation | n 1. lack of necessities of life, kekurangan keperluan hidup: the ~s suffered by the prisoners of war, kekurangan keperluan hidup yg dideritai oleh tawanan perang; 2. destitution, hardship, kemelaratan, penderitaan: the hunger and ~ existing in the refugee camps, kelaparan dan kemelaratan yg terdapat di khemah-khemah orang pelarian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
necessaries | n keperluan: the necessaries of life, keperluan hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
necessity | n 1. great need, keperluan, perlunya: the ~ of preserving wildlife, perlunya melindungi hidupan liar; 2. circumstances that compel, terpaksa: some people work out of ~, not out of choice, sesetengah orang bekerja krn terpaksa bukan krn kehendak sendiri; (must) of ~ be, terpaksa: my speech must of ~ be brief, ucapan saya terpaksa ringkas sahaja; 3. st that is necessary, keperluan; (to life) keperluan asas: exercise is a ~ for him, senaman merupakan satu keperluan baginya; food and water are necessities of life, makanan dan air ialah keperluan asas utk hidup; 4. the condition of want, neediness, keadaan serba kekurangan: to be in dire ~, berada dlm keadaan yg amat serba kekurangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crying | adj 1. that cries, menangis: he tried to comfort the ~ child, dia mencuba menenangkan anak yg sedang menangis itu; 2. demanding notice, remedy, [various translations]: the most ~ need at the moment is housing, keperluan yg amat mendesak buat masa sekarang ialah perumahan; the appalling living conditions in the estates are a ~ shame, keadaan hidup yg teruk di ladang-ladang amat memalukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |