generalship | n leadership, kepimpinan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unacknowledged | 2. not officially recognized, tdk /diiktiraf, diakui/: he is the ~ author of the book, dia pengarang buku itu yg tdk diiktiraf; ~ leadership, kepimpinan yg tdk diiktiraf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tussle | npertarungan, pergelutan: the match was a ~ between two fit teams, perlawanan itu merupakan pertarungan antara dua pasukan yg kuat; the leadership ~ was bound to do damage to the party, pergelutan kepimpinan tdk dapat tdk membawa kerosakan kpd parti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trammel | vt (act.) menghalang, menggalang; (pass.) terhalang, tergalang: the conventions that ~led them, kelaziman-kelaziman yg menghalang mereka; he felt ~led by the responsibilities of leadership, dia berasa terhalang oleh tanggungjawab-tanggungjawab kepimpinan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
possess | vt 1. own, mempunyai, memiliki: the family ~es vast areas of land in the interior, keluarga itu mempunyai beberapa bidang tanah yg luas di kawasan pedalaman; he was robbed of all he ~ed, semua harta yg dimilikinya telah dirompak; 2. have as a faculty, quality etc, mempunyai: he ~s good eyesight, dia mempunyai penglihatan yg baik; to ~ the quality of leadership, mempunyai kualiti kepimpinan; 3. obsess, menghantui, menguasai, mempengaruhi: she is ~ed by envy, dia dihantui oleh perasaan cemburu; all of a sudden, fear ~ed him and he became fixed to the spot, tiba-tiba dia dikuasai oleh rasa takut lalu dia terpaku di tempat itu; 4. be controlled by evil spirit, merasuk: she must have been ~ed to murder her own husband, dia tentu telah dirasuk hingga sanggup membunuh suaminya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |