cruise | vi 1. sail about, a. (for pleasure) belayar makan angin: they ~d round the islands, mereka belayar makan angin mengelilingi pulau-pulau itu; b. (in search of enemy vessels) meronda, berpair-pair: the destroyer was cruising in the South China Sea, kapal pembinasa itu sedang meronda di Laut China Selatan; 2. travel at a constant and moderate speed, approp v + dgn kelajuan (yg) sederhana: the car was cruising at 75 k.p.h., kereta itu berjalan dgn kelajuan sederhana 75 kmsj; 3. travel at random, a. (of taxi-cab) lalu-lalang, berulang-alik; b. (of patrol car) meronda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airing | n 1. exposure to air, a. (for freshening) penganginan, pengudaraan, menganginkan, mengudarakan: the room needs an ~, bilik itu perlu dianginkan; b. (for drying) penganginan, menganginkan; 2. excursion in the open air, mengambil angin: she took the baby for an ~ in his pram, dia membawa bayi itu dlm kereta sorongnya utk mengambil angin; 3. exposure to public notice, mengemukakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sway | b. (of tree, vehicle, building, etc) bergoyang(-goyang): the tall grass ~ed as the gentle breeze stirred it, rumput-rumput yg panjang itu bergoyang ditiup angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa; the train increased its speed and the carriages started to ~, kereta api itu bertambah laju dan gerabak-gerabak mula bergoyang-goyang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rattle | n 1. rattling sound, berdetar-detar: the windows ~d in the wind, tingkap-tingkap itu berdetar-detar dipukul angin; hail ~d against the window pane, hujan batu berdetar-detar memukul-mukul kaca tingkap; 2. go, move, with such sounds, bergegar-gegar: the old car ~d down the hill, kereta lama itu bergegar-gegar menuruni bukit itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breakaway | n 1. failure of mechanical action, kerosakan: a ~ on the line delayed all trains, kerosakan pd landasan melambatkan perjalanan semua kereta api; any ~ of the machinery would result in heavy losses, sebarang kerosakan jentera akan menyebabkan kerugian besar; 2. collapse, a. (in communication, supply, etc) putusnya, terputusnya: the cyclone caused a ~ of communications between the island and the mainland, angin ribut menyebabkan perhubungan antara pulau itu dgn tanah besar terputus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wail | 2. make a sound suggestive of wailing, a. (of siren) meraung: the fire engines raced down the road with sirens ~ing, kereta bomba itu meluncur di jalan dgn sirennya meraung; b. (of wind) menderu: the wind ~ed before the storm set in, angin menderu sebelum ribut melanda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | 6. leave in great hurry, pergi segera; (in order to escape from captivity) lari: you’ll have to ~ if you want to catch that train, kamu mesti pergi segera kalau kamu hendak naik kereta api itu; when we got back we discovered that our prisoner had flown, apabila kami balik, kami dapati tahanan telah lari; 7. pass swiftly, berlalu dgn cepat: time flies!, masa berlalu dgn cepat!; 8. (of rumours etc) tersebar: her appearance in company with a different man started the rumours ~ing, kemunculannya bersama lelaki lain menyebabkan khabar angin tersebar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proliferate | vi 1.yield new growth rapidly, menjadi peridi, berkembang biak: water hyacinth ~s in ponds, keladi bunting menjadi peridi dlm kolam; 2. increase rapidly in number, /wujud, muncul/ dgn pesat; (of gossip etc) tersebar dgn cepat: squatter huts ~d along the railway line, rumah-rumah setinggan muncul dgn pesat di sepanjang landasan kereta api; these rumours will continue to ~ until an official statement is made, khabar-khabar angin ini akan terus tersebar dgn cepat sehingga kenyataan rasmi dibuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wave | vi 1. signal with a wave of the hand, melambai: she ~d to us with her scarf, dia melambai kpd kami dgn skarfnya; he saw us, and ~d, dia nampak kami lalu melambai; he stood on the platform and ~d to us until the train was out of sight, dia berdiri di platform itu dan melambai kpd kami sehingga kereta api itu tdk kelihatan lagi; 2. move to and fro or up and down, melambai-lambai: banners ~d above the crowd, sepanduk yg melambai-lambai di tengah-tengah orang ramai; the tops of the coconut palms ~d in the wind, daun-daun kelapa itu melambai-lambai ditiup angin; 3. (of hair) grow in regular curls, berombak, berketak: his hair ~s naturally, rambutnya berombak semula jadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
penetrate | vt 1. pierce, pass into or through, enter, menembusi; (of liquid) meresapi; (of wind) menusuk (hingga ke); (of light) melantasi: the bullet had ~d one lung, peluru tersebut telah menembusi satu drpd paru-parunya; a cold wind that ~s your very bones, angin sejuk yg menusuk hingga ke tulang-temulang; light cannot ~ a brick wall, cahaya tdk dapat melantasi tembok batu; 2. enter, make a way into or through (st) menembusi, menerobos; (unexplored area) berjaya masuk ke: our soldiers have ~d enemy territory, pasukan tentera kita telah menembusi kawasan musuh; we are hoping to ~ the British car market, kami berharap dapat menembusi pasaran kereta British; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |