unpaid | 2. not paid for, tdk dibayar; (of leave) tdk bergaji: she did hours of ~ overtime, berjam-jam dia membuat kerja lebih masa yg tdk dibayar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spanner | throw a ~ in the works, (UK), (colloq) merosakkan keadaan: the manager has thrown a ~ into the works by banning all overtime, pengurus telah merosakkan keadaan dgn melarang kerja lebih masa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | ~ /by, with / so., sso tdk keberatan, tdk apa-apa (bagi sso): Mrs. Harrison will have to put in ten hours of overtime next week, but that’s ~ by her, Pn. Harrison mesti membuat kerja lebih masa selama sepuluh jam minggu depan, tetapi dia tdk keberatan; cut it (a bit) ~, menyuntukkan /masa, waktu/: you’re cutting it a bit ~ – you’ve got to be at the airport at five and it’s already four-thirty, kamu ini menyuntukkan masa – kamu mesti berada di lapangan terbang pd pukul lima dan sekarang ini sudah pukul empat setengah; have a ~ time, berseronok-seronok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ahead | adv 1. at, in the front, di hadapan: road-works ~, kerja-kerja membaiki jalan di hadapan; 2. in advance, dahulu: he went ~ to see whether the river was navigable, dia pergi dahulu utk memeriksa sama ada sungai itu boleh dilalui; you should plan ~, kamu harus merancang dahulu; 3. to the front, ke hadapan: to walk straight ~, berjalan terus ke hadapan; 4. (colloq) winning, leading, mendahului + approp n: he was ~ on points, dia mendahului peserta lain dr segi kiraan mata; ~ of, a. (in space) mendahului: he walked ~ of us, dia berjalan mendahului kami; b. (in time) lebih /awal, dahulu/: ~ of schedule, lebih awal dr masa yg dijadualkan; we arrived two hours ~ of them, kami tiba dua jam lebih awal drpd mereka; c. (fig.) mendahului: he was ~ of his classmates, dia mendahului kawan-kawan sedarjahnya; to be ~ of o’s time, mendahului zamannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
worker | n 1. employee, pekerja: the factory ~s went on strike for better wages and shorter hours, pekerja-pekerja kilang itu melancarkan mogok utk menuntut gaji yg lebih baik dan masa kerja yg lebih singkat; negotiations between the management and ~s, rundingan antara pihak pengurusan dan pekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
what | b. important facts or conditions, selok-belok: you can take his advice with confidence, he knows ~’s ~, when it comes to buying stock and shares, kamu boleh terima nasihatnya ttg membeli saham, dia tahu selok-beloknya; ~ with, lebih-lebih lagi: ~ with having a full-time job, three children and no domestic help, she had no time for social life, lebih-lebih lagi dgn kerja sepenuh masa, tiga orang anak dan tanpa pembantu rumah, dia tdk ada masa utk bercampur gaul; /give, get/ ~ for, (colloq) menghamun: he gave his wife ~ for when he found she’d lost the housekeeping money at a mah jong party, dia menghamun isterinya apabila mengetahui bahawa isterinya menghabiskan duit belanjaan rumah di tempat main mahjung; so ~!, peduli apa!: You’ll lose your job.” “So ~ ? I’ll get another!”, “Nanti kamu kena buang kerja.” “Peduli apa! Saya cari kerja lain!”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beast | ~ of a, teruk: that ~ of an overseer ordered me to work extra hours, mandur yg teruk itu menyuruh saya bekerja lebih masa; it’s a ~ of a job!, teruk betul kerja ini!; the ~, sifat /kehaiwanan, kebinatangan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
future | n 1. time yet to come, masa /depan, hadapan/: the ~ is uncertain, masa depan itu belum pasti; we look forward to a happy ~, kami menanti masa depan yg bahagia; in ~, pd /masa depan, kemudian hari/, lain kali: the girls were told to behave better in ~, budak-budak itu disuruh berkelakuan lebih baik pd masa depan; in ~ think carefully before you make promises, lain kali fikir baik-baik sebelum kamu membuat janji; 2. prospective condition of a person or thing, masa /depan, hadapan/: a job that has no ~, pekerjaan yg tdk mempunyai masa depan; the ~ of the industry is unbounded, masa depan industri itu tdk terbatas; 3. (gram.) kala depan: put the verb into the ~, jadikan kata kerja itu dlm bentuk kala depan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
present1 | n 1. the present time, masa sekarang: it is best to forget the past and live for the ~, lebih baik melupakan perkara yg lalu dan hadapilah masa sekarang; no time like the ~, sekaranglah masanya: “I’m thinking of asking for a raise.” “Well, there’s no time like the ~”, “Saya sedang memikirkan hendak memohon kenaikan gaji.” “Jadi sekaranglah masanya yg sesuai”; 2. (gram.) present tense, (bentuk )kala kini: the verb is used in the ~, kata kerja itu digunakan dlm bentuk kala kini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plenty | n 1. great number, amount or quantity, banyak: I’ve got ~ of time, saya ada banyak masa; there are ~ of jobs to be found here, ada banyak kerja yg boleh dicari di sini; I’ve ~ to say,banyak yg hendak saya katakan; 2. state of abundance or prosperity,mewah, makmur: in times of ~ we should save more, pd zaman mewah, kita patut menyimpan lebih; a land of ~,negara yg makmur; in ~, (fml) banyak sekali: there were tourists in ~ during Visit Malaysia Year, banyak sekali pelancong yg datang semasa Tahun Melawat Malaysia; mushrooms are in ~ during the rainy season, terdapat banyak sekali cendawan pd musim hujan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |