referral | n 1. referring, merujukkan: the ~ of such cases to the coroner, merujukkan kes-kes spt itu kpd koroner; 2. person, thing referred to, kes rujukan: normally, I attend to the ~s between 2 and 4 o’clock, selalunya, saya merawat kes-kes rujukan antara pukul 2 hingga pukul 4. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
case 1 | 4. circumstance, kes, hal: to make an exception in his ~, membuat pengecualian dlm kesnya; 5. (med) kes: the worst ~s were sent to the hospital, kes-kes yg teruk dihantar ke hospital; 6. (leg.) kes: the facts of the ~, fakta-fakta ttg kes tersebut; 7. set of reasons, sebab-sebab, alasan-alasan: there is a ~ for calling in an expert, ada sebab-sebabnya utk mendapat khidmat pakar; 8. (gram.) kasus: nominative ~, kasus nominatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rape 1 | n 1. forcible sexual intercourse, rogol, merogol: an alarming increase in ~ cases, pertambahan kes-kes rogol yg membimbangkan; 2. act of despoiling, penjarahan, menjarah: ~ of a city, penjarahan sebuah kota; 3. violation, pencabulan: the ~ of justice, pencabulan keadilan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sole 1 | 2. not shared, satu-satunya: the chairman has the ~ right of veto in such cases, pengerusi ialah satu-satunya orang yg mempunyai hak veto dlm kes-kes spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
case 1 | n 1. instance, kes, kejadian: the first ~ of insurgency in the region, kes pemberontakan yg pertama di daerah itu; 2. question, matter for attention, perkara, kes: the committee is investigating the ~, jawatankuasa itu sedang menyiasat perkara tersebut; 3. state of affairs, keadaan, hal: if that is the ~, kalau begitulah keadaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
murder | 2. (derog) sacrifice of large number of lives, kes aniaya: the bombing of the town was sheer ~, pengeboman bandar itu memang satu kes aniaya; it’s little short of ~ to send the men out on a night like this, memang satu k | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
provide | ~ for, a. furnish with means of support, menyara: he has ~d for his family well, and they have no worries, dia menyara keluarganya dgn baik dan mereka tdk berasa bimbang; b. prepare for any eventuality, bersedia utk menghadapi: in making the arrangements for the conference the organizers ~d for a situation such as this, dalam mengatur persidangan itu, pihak penganjur bersedia utk menghadapi keadaan sebegini; c. (of law, rule, etc) allow, permit of, membenarkan: the regulation ~s for a certain elasticity in such cases, peraturan itu membenarkan sedikit kelonggaran dlm kes-kes begitu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | she is a supporter of the ~ left wing of the party, dia penyokong puak kiri parti itu yg melampau; an ~ socialist, sosialis yg ekstrem; he has ~ views about the Church and politics, dia mempunyai pandangan yg keterlaluan ttg penglibatan Gereja dlm politik; d. having specified characteristic to the greatest extent, ekstrem: your behaviour towards me is an ~ example of rudeness, tingkah laku kamu thdp saya ialah contoh ekstrem sikap biadab; in ~ cases, the police are called in to conduct a thorough investigation, dlm kes-kes ekstrem, pihak polis dipanggil utk menjalankan penyiasatan yg rapi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pound 3 | n 1. official enclosure for vehicles and goods, kawasan barang kes: the confiscated goods are now in the police ~, barang-barang rampasan sekarang berada dlm kawasan barang kes polis; 2. place for stray animals, paun, tempat kurungan binatang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
test case | n kes ujian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |