federation | n 1. act of federating, usaha mempersekutukan; 2. union, persekutuan: F~ of Malaya , Persekutuan Tanah Melayu; the ~ of labour unions, persekutuan kesatuan-kesatuan buruh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
non-union | adj 1. not belonging to a trade union, bukan [n] kesatuan sekerja: a ~ member, bukan ahli kesatuan sekerja; 2. not recognizing trade unions, tdk merestui kesatuan sekerja: ~ organizations, organisasi yg tdk merestui kesatuan sekerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
union | n 1. trade union, kesatuan sekerja: talks between the management and the ~, rundingan antara pihak pengurusan dan kesatuan sekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unionist | n 1. member of trade union, ahli kesatuan sekerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ensemble | n 1. group of people, buildings, etc viewed as a whole, kesatuan; 2. matched outfit, pakaian sedondon: she wore a silk scarf to complete the ~, dia memakai skaf sutera utk melengkapkan pakaian sedondonnya; 3. (mus)ensemble. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resistance | n 1. opposition, tentangan: the members’ ~ to the Union’s proposal, tentangan ahli-ahli thdp usul Kesatuan; our troops broke down the enemy’s ~, askar-askar kami mematahkan tentangan pihak musuh; /make, offer/ /no, not much/ ~ to, tdk membuat/ tentangan, tentangan yg kuat/ thdp; 2. capacity to withstand, ketahanan: the material’s ~ to heat has been tested, ketahanan bahan itu thdp haba telah diuji; bodily ~ to infection, ketahanan badan thdp jangkitan; 3. opposing force, rintangan: wind ~, rintangan angin; air ~, rintangan udara; 4. often the R~, secret organization resisting the authorities, (Pihak) Penentang; 5. (electr) rintangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rally | vt 1. muster, menghimpunkan: the Union leader rallied the men in support of the claim, pemimpin kesatuan menghimpunkan orang-orang utk menyokong tuntutan itu; 2. bring together as support, menyatukan: he rallied his friends to give him support, dia menyatukan kawan-kawannya utk memberinya sokongan; 3. recover, memulihkan: the General’s words rallied his men’s morale, kata-kata Jeneral itu memulihkan semangat orang-orangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
injunction | n 1. (leg.) injunksi: the employers sought an ~ against the Union, pihak majikan memohon injunksi thdp Kesatuan Sekerja itu; 2. (instruction, command) perintah; (admonition) peringatan: he forgot all his father’s ~s and drove far too fast, dia terlupa akan segala peringatan yg diberikan oleh bapanya dan memandu dgn sangat laju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
competence, competency | n 1. ability, kecekapan: his ~ in handling problems with the union, kecekapannya mengendalikan masalah dgn kesatuan sekerja; 2. (liter. & old use) sufficient means of living, pendapatan yg mencukupi; 3. legal capacity (of court of law, witness, magistrate, etc) kompetens. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anathema | n 1. so., st detested, (seorang, sesuatu yg) dibenci: he was ~ to the trade unionists, dia dibenci oleh ahli kesatuan sekerja; his very name was ~ to the family, namanya sahaja pun dibenci oleh keluarga itu; 2. formal curse of the Church, kutukan; 3. so., st so cursed, /sso, sst/ yg dikutuk; 4. any strong curse, kata-kata sumpahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |