dissatisfaction | n rasa tdk puas hati, ketidakpuasan hati: to express o’s ~, meluahkan rasa tdk puas hati sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discontent | n perasaan tdk puas hati, ketidakpuasan hati: there was ~ among the people, terdapat perasaan tdk puas hati di kalangan rakyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peg | a ~ to hang st on, /alasan, peluang/ utk menyalurkan sst: he’s just looking for a ~ on which to hang his grievances, dia hanya mencari alasan utk menyalurkan ketidakpuasan hatinya; /bring, take /so. down a ~ (or two), (colloq) mengajar sso: he’s so conceited, I’d love to take him down a ~, dia terlalu angkuh, ingin benar saya mengajarnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
throttle | 6. over the surface of, di seluruh: the peasants’ homes were scattered ~ the valley, rumah-rumah petani berselerak di seluruh lembah itu; dissatisfaction runs ~ the whole organization, ketidakpuasan hati menjalar di seluruh o | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grievance | n 1. complaint by employee or body of employees, rungutan, sungutan; (leg.) kilanan: their ~s against the management are not altogether fair, sungutan mereka thdp pihak pentadbiran tdk semuanya wajar; 2. feeling of resentment, rasa tdk puas hati, ketidakpuasan hati: he has had the same ~ against her for a long time, sudah lama dia menyimpan rasa tdk puas hati terhadapnya; it is not advisable to nurse one’s ~s, memendam rasa tdk puas hati ialah perkara yg tdk baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |