instant | n precise moment, ketika: he arrived at the very ~, dia sampai pd ketika itu; an ~ later, sejurus kemudian; (at) the ~, sebaik sahaja: she screamed for help the ~ he let her go, dia menjerit meminta tolong sebaik sahaja lelaki itu melepaskannya; for an ~, buat seketika: for an ~ I thought he was going to kill her, buat seketika saya fikir dia hendak membunuh wanita itu; in an ~, a. within a very short space of time, dgn / sekelip, sekejap, sekedip/ mata: he was gone in an ~, dia menghilang dgn sekelip mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dawdle | ~ over, berlengah-lengah ketika: the child always ~s over his food, kanak-kanak itu suka berlengah-lengah ketika makan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
act | in the ~ of (doing st) ketika, sewaktu, semasa: in the ~ of kicking the ball, he lost his balance and fell, ketika menendang bola itu, dia hilang imbangan lalu jatuh; put on an ~, (colloq) berpura-pura + approp adj or v: he put on an ~ to impress his superior, dia berpura-pura rajin utk mendapat perhatian pegawai atasannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | in (the) ~ of, a. when confronting, ketika menghadapi, bila berhadapan dgn: to show courage in the ~ of danger, menunjukkan keberanian ketika menghadapi bahaya; b. despite, /meskipun, sungguhpun, walaupun/ menghadapi: he succeeded in the ~ of difficulties, dia berjaya meskipun menghadapi kesukaran; keep a straight ~, menahan /senyum, ketawa/, menyembunyikan rasa geli hati; laugh in so’s ~, mentertawakan sso; look so. in the ~, /memandang (ke) muka, menenung, merenung/ sso: since that episode at the club, I just cannot look him in the ~, selepas episod di kelab itu, saya tdk dapat memandang mukanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
then | ~ and there, there and ~, pd /ketika, waktu, masa/ itu juga: when I explained the problem, he ~ and there offered his help, apabila saya menerangkan masalahnya, pd ketika itu juga dia menawarkan pertolongan; but ~, memang: his arre | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
petulance | n sifat perengus; in a fit of ~, ketika naik radang: she flung the book at him in a fit of ~, ketika naik radang, dia membaling buku itu ke arahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
second 2 | n 1. one sixtieth part of a minute, saat, ketika; (ref to specific length of time) saat: he paused for a few ~s, dia berhenti utk beberapa ketika; it was over in less than twenty ~s, perkara itu selesai dlm masa kurang drpd dua puluh saat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
point | saya keluar ketika mereka mula bertengkar; at the ~ of death, di saat kematian; 7. particular idea, perkara: there were a few ~s in his speech that I did not understand, ada beberapa perkara dlm ucapannya yg saya tdk faham; 8. important feature (of person’s character) sifat: he’s rather impatient but he has his good ~s, dia agak tdk sabar orangnya, tetapi dia ada sifat-sifat yg baik; 9. aim, purpose, tujuan: the ~ of this meeting is to set the date and location of the ball, tujuan mesyuarat ini adalah utk menetapkan tarikh dan tempat majlis tari-menari itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
then | just ~, pd /saat, ketika/ itu: just ~ I heard a tremendous explosion, pd saat itu saya terdengar letupan yg sangat kuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
second 2 | in a /few ~s, a. a short while from now, /sekejap, sebentar/ lagi; b. in a very short time, dlm beberapa ketika: in a few ~s the whole house had gone up in flames, dlm beberapa ketika, rumah itu habis dijilat api; /in, within/ ~s, dlm sekelip mata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |