baluster | n jerjak, kisi-kisi, kekisi, jeriji, jeruji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wrought iron | n besi /tempaan, tempawan/: a ~ railing, kisi-kisi besi tempaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grating | n wooden or metal framework with bars, jeriji, jeruji, jerjak, kisi-kisi, kekisi: the room seemed quite normal except for the ~ in the window, bilik itu kelihatan biasa melainkan tingkapnya yg berjeriji; the coin fell through the ~ into the drain, duit syiling itu jatuh melalui kekisi ke dlm longkang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banister | n 1. (usu in pl) baluster, jerjak, kisi-kisi, kekisi, jeriji, jeruji; 2. (in pl) balustrade, pelepar, /selusur, susur/ tangga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lattice | n 1. also lattice work, framework of crossed strips of wood or other material, kisi-kisi, kekisi: a creeper climbing up the ~, pokok memanjat itu memanjati kekisi; 2. also lattice window, tingkap kekisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lattice | n 1. also lattice work, framework of crossed strips of wood or other material, kisi-kisi, kekisi: a creeper climbing up the ~, pokok memanjat itu memanjati kekisi; 2. also lattice window, tingkap kekisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bar | n 1. rod (of iron, wood) batang (besi, kayu): iron ~, batang besi; 2. (of cage, window, gate, etc) jerjak, jeriji, jeruji, kisi-kisi; 3. wood, iron placed horizontally, palang: the high jump ~ was raised, palang lompat tinggi itu dinaikkan; the ~ of a door, palang pintu; horizontal ~s, palang mengufuk; parallel ~s, palang selari; 4. ingot, jongkong: gold ~s, jongkong emas; 5. (of chocolate) keping; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harden | vt 1. make hard, solidify, mengeraskan: to ~ steel, mengeraskan keluli; 2. make hardy, robust, menjadikan [n] tegap dan tahan lasak: the exercises are designed to ~ the body, senaman-senaman itu dicipta utk menjadikan badan tegap dan tahan lasak; 3. make firmer, menguatkan: he ~ed his grip on the railing, dia menguatkan pegangannya pd kisi-kisi itu; 4. cause to be tough, unfeeling, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] bersikap keras; (pass.) menjadi orang yg (bersikap) keras: he was ~ed by his wartime experiences, dia menjadi orang yg bersikap keras disebabkan pengalamannya semasa perang; ~ o’s heart, mengeraskan hati; 5. make resolute, (act.) meneguhkan; (pass.) menjadi teguh: the latest incident has ~ed public opinion against the rebels, peristiwa yg terakhir itu telah meneguhkan pendapat umum utk menentang pemberontak-pemberontak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dangle | vi 1. be suspended and free to sway, a. (of key, ear-ring, etc) tergantung; (when many) bergantungan: the watch ~d on a chain, jam itu tergantung pd rantai; all sorts of goods ~d from the rafters of the shop, bermacam-macam jenis barang bergantungan pd kasau-kasau kedai itu; b. (of st long, trailing) meruntai, berjuntai: climbers ~d over the side of the wall, pokok-pokok panjat meruntai di tepi tembok itu; grapes dangling from a trellis, buah anggur yg meruntai dr kisi-kisi; 2. swing loosely, berbuai-buai, berayun-ayun: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |