classic | n 1. example of acknowledged excellence, contoh klasik: the “makyung” can be considered one of the ~s of the Malaysian dance theatre, tarian makyung boleh dikatakan salah satu contoh klasik seni tari Malaysia; 2. book, play, any work of art of admitted excellence, approp n + klasik: Moby Dick is a ~, Moby Dick ialah novel klasik; 3. often C~, (in pl) classical studies, pengajian klasik: he read C~s at Oxford, dia mengikuti pengajian klasik di Oxford. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
classicist | n 1. adherent of classicism, penganut klasikisme; 2. classical scholar, pelajar pengajian klasik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
symbolic(al) | adj 1. concerned with symbol(s) simbolik: a ~ painting, catan simbolik; the ~ movements of the classical dance, gerakan simbolik tarian klasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enthusiasm | n 1. great eagerness, keghairahan, ghairah: his ~ for learning is very encouraging, keghairahannya utk belajar sangat menggalakkan; she feels no ~ for classical music, dia tdk berasa ghairah thdp muzik klasik;with ~, dgn ghairah; 2. st that greatly interests so., (sst yg) mengghairahkan: snooker is one of his great ~s, snuker ialah salah satu permainan yg mengghairahkannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ardently | adv 1. passionately, dgn penuh berahi: to love so. ~, mencintai sso dgn penuh berahi; 2. eagerly, zealously, sangat: she ~ longed for recognition, dia sangat menginginkan dirinya dihargai; 3. greatly, benar-benar, betul-betul: to love classical music ~, benar-benar mencintai muzik klasik; 4. devotedly, dgn sepenuh hati: to admire so. ~, mengagumi sso dgn sepenuh hati; he has supported the team ~ for years, dia telah bertahun-tahun menyokong pasukan itu dgn sepenuh hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acquaintance | n 1. personal knowledge usu less than intimate, a. (with person or between persons) perkenalan: the meeting that led to our ~, pertemuan yg membawa kpd perkenalan (antara) kami; b. (with st) pengetahuan: his ~ with classical languages, pengetahuannya ttg bahasa-bahasa klasik; 2. friend, kenalan: a casual ~, kenalan begitu sahaja; a wide circle of ~s, kenalan yg banyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
item | n 1. article or thing in collection of objects, benda, barang: each ~ has a price tag, setiap barang mempunyai tanda harga; ~ of clothing, pakaian; collector’s ~, barang yg digemari (oleh) pengumpul: the chair is a collector’s ~, kerusi itu ialah barang yg digemari oleh pengumpul; household ~, barang kegunaan rumah; 2. one of number of things, matters, (in a list, catalogue) butir; (on a programme) acara; (on an agenda) perkara; (of business) urusan: the first ~ on the programme was a classical Indian dance, acara pertama dlm atur cara itu ialah sebuah tarian klasik India; he has several ~s of business to attend to before he leaves for Thailand, ada beberapa urusan perniagaan yg harus dikendalikannya sebelum berlepas ke negeri Thai; . | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |