brokerage | n 1. broker’s commission, komisen pembrokeran, dalal broker; 2. business of a broker, pembrokeran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commission | n 1. special task, job, kerja; (for artist) tempahan: he was given the ~ to design the mosque, dia diberi kerja utk mereka bentuk masjid itu; not all artists accept ~s, bukan semua pelukis yg mahu menerima tempahan; 2. (mil) tauliah: he received his ~ as 2nd Lieutenant, dia menerima tauliah sbg Leftenan Muda; 3. group authorized to perform certain duties, suruhanjaya: a Royal C~, Suruhanjaya Diraja; the C~ of Inquiry, Suruhanjaya Siasatan; the Federal Trade C~, Suruhanjaya Perdagangan Persekutuan; 4. fee allotted to agent, komisen, dalal: he charges 5% ~, dia mengenakan komisen 5%; sell st on ~, menjual sst dgn mendapat komisen; 5. act of doing (st wrong, unlawful) perbuatan melakukan: the ~ of a crime, perbuatan melakukan jenayah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
top1 | on ~ of, a. above or over st, di atas: put your coat on ~ of the luggage so that it is not forgotten, letakkan kot kamu di atas beg pakaian itu supaya kamu tdk lupa; they stood on ~ of the cliff watching the fleet pass, mereka berdiri di atas cenuram itu sambil memperhatikan angkatan kapal tentera laut berlalu; b. i. besides, in addition to, di samping, selain: on ~ of his large salary, he gets a commission on everything he sells, di samping gajinya yg besar, dia juga mendapat komisen utk setiap barang yg dapat dijualnya; ii. coming after and adding to something’s effect on so., sbg tokokan: this request, on ~ of all the others he has made, is the last straw, permintaannya ini, sbg tokokan kpd permintaannya yg lain, sudah keterlaluan sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |