grime | n thick, black dirt, kotoran; (from body’s perspiration) daki: hands covered with ~, tangan yg berlumuran kotoran; the ~ on the walls will be difficult to remove, kotoran pd dinding itu susah hendak dihilangkan; to scrub ~ from shirt collars, memberus daki pd kolar baju; ~ and sweat, daki dan peluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filth | n 1. loathsome dirt, kotoran: the canal was full of ~, terusan itu penuh dgn kotoran; 2. offensive or obscene words, picture, film, etc, /kata-kata, gambar, filem/ cabul: he shouted ~ as they passed, dia menjeritkan kata-kata cabul semasa mereka lalu; he writes nothing but ~, dia menulis cerita cabul belaka; does your wife know you watch such ~?, adakah isteri kamu tahu kamu menonton filem cabul spt itu?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dirt | n 1. unclean matter, kotoran: I used a strong detergent to remove the ~ from the walls, saya menggunakan bahan cuci yg kuat utk menanggalkan kotoran dr dinding; 2. earth, soil, tanah; 3. so., st regarded as worthless, sampah; treat so. like ~, /membuat, memperlakukan/ sso spt sampah; 4. obscene thoughts and expressions, unsur-unsur lucah: his books are full of ~, buku-bukunya penuh dgn unsur-unsur lucah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accumulated | adj 1. (gen) terkumpul: the ~ grime of years, kotoran yg terkumpul bertahun-tahun; the heat ~ in the body, haba yg terkumpul di dlm tubuh; 2. (of wealth, fortune, etc) terkumpul, terhimpun: ~ riches, kekayaan yg terkumpul; the ~ spoils of the Huns, hasil jarahan orang Hun yg terkumpul; 3. (of knowledge, experience) terkumpul; 4. (econ) terkumpul: ~ depreciation, susut nilai terkumpul; ~ dividend, dividen terkumpul; ~ fund, dana terkumpul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
soak | you can ~ out the stains if you use this special cleaning liquid, kamu dapat menanggalkan kesan kotoran dgn merendam kain itu dlm cecair pembersih yg istimewa ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easily | adv 1. without difficulty, mudah, senang: stain that is ~ removed, kotoran yg mudah dihapuskan; she is ~ offended, dia mudah tersinggung; 2. without pain, discomfort, dlm keadaan lega: the patient is resting ~ now, pesakit itu sedang berehat dlm keadaan lega; 3. readily, mudah: she smiles ~, dia mudah senyum; 4. at least, sekurang-kurangnya: she is ~ fifty, umurnya sekurang-kurangnya lima puluh tahun; 5. possibly, mungkin: he may ~ change his mind, dia mungkin mengubah fikirannya; 6. undoubtedly, tdk disangsikan lagi: that is ~ the best painting in the room, tdk disangsikan lagi lukisan itulah yg terbaik di dlm bilik ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scrub 1 | ~ /away, off/, menyental hingga hilang: she ~bed the stains off, dia menyental kotoran itu hingga hilang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wash | ~ off, mencuci bersih-bersih: will you ~ those stains off the wall?, bolehkah kamu cuci bersih-bersih kotoran pd dinding itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wash | ~ away,a. remove by washing, menghilangkan: this liquid ~es away stains easily, cecair ini menghilangkan kotoran dgn mudah; b. destroy by the force of water, menghanyutkan: the floods ~ed away the bridge, banjir menghanyutkan jambatan itu; parts of the river bank have been ~ed away, beberapa bahagian tebing sungai itu telah dihanyutkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
soak | ~ st /out, off/, remove st by soaking in water etc, merendam sst utk menanggalkan sst; (stain) menanggalkan kotoran dgn merendam: if you don’t want your husband to find out how much it costs, just ~ the price ticket off the vase, jika tdk mahu suamimu tahu berapa harganya, rendam vas itu utk menanggalkan tanda harganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |