unfold | 2. blossom, mekar, kembang: the rose buds were beginning to ~, kudup-kudup bunga mawar itu mula mekar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pick 1 | memetik; (of birds) mematuk, memagut: the gardener ~ed all the dead flowers off the rose bushes, tukang kebun memetik semua bunga mawar yg telah kering utk dibuang; birds have ~ed off the buds, burung-burung telah mematuk semua kudup-kudup bunga tersebut; b. shoot animals, aircraft one by one, menembak + approp n satu demi satu: the sharpshooters ~ed off the crows, penembak-penembak tepat itu menembak gagak satu demi satu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | vi 1. break open, apart, into pieces, etc, pecah: that bag is ~ing, beg itu hendak pecah; the dam ~ during the floods, empangan itu pecah semasa banjir; the pain will ease when the abscess ~s, kesakitan itu akan mereda setelah bisul itu pecah; the bubble ~ in the air, gelembung itu pecah di udara; 2. explode, meletup: one of the tyres ~, salah satu drpd tayar itu meletup; 3. also ~ open, (of leaf, flower bud) mengembang, memekar: in spring the flower buds ~ open, kudup-kudup bunga memekar dlm musim bunga; 4. also ~ out, come forth forcefully, tercetus keluar: the words ~ from his mouth, kata-kata itu tercetus keluar dr mulutnya; let o’s anger ~ out, melepaskan kemarahan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bud | vi a. produce undeveloped branches, leaves, bertunas; b. produce undeveloped flowers, mengeluarkan kudup: the rose bushes are ~ding, pohon mawar itu mengeluarkan kudup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bud | n 1. rudimentary growth of, a. (branch, leaf) tunas: ~ grafting, cantuman tunas; b. (of flower) kudup; in ~, a. producing undeveloped branches or leaves, sedang bertunas; b. producing undeveloped flowers, mengeluarkan kudup; 2. partially opened flower, kuntum; 3. any bud-like growth, tunas: taste ~, tunas rasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |